The Oklahoman

Block-by-block searches start


HOUSTON — Rescuers began a block-by-block search of tens of thousands of Houston homes Thursday, pounding on doors and shouting as they looked for anyone — alive or dead — who might have been left behind in Harvey’s fetid floodwater­s, which have now heavily damaged more than 37,000 homes and destroyed nearly 7,000 statewide.

More than 200 firefighte­rs, police officers and members of an urban search-and-rescue team fanned out across the Meyerland neighborho­od for survivors or bodies. They yelled “fire department!” as they pounded with closed fists on doors, peered through windows and checked with neighbors. The streets were dry but heaped with soggy furniture, carpet and wood.

“We don’t think we’re going to find any humans, but we’re prepared if we do,” said District Chief James Pennington of the Houston Fire Department.

The confirmed death toll stood at 31, though it is expected to rise. But by midday, the temporary command center in a J.C. Penney parking lot had received no reports of more bodies from the searches, which are expected to take up to two weeks.

Unlike during Hurricane Katrina’s aftermath in New Orleans, crews used GPS devices to log the homes they checked rather than spray painting neon X’s on the homes, which also avoided alerting potential thieves to vacant homes.

Elsewhere, the loss of power at a chemical plant set off explosions that prompted a public health warning. The blasts at the Arkema Inc. plant northeast of Houston also ignited a 30- to 40-foot flame and sent up a plume of acrid smoke that the head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency initially described as “incredibly dangerous.”

 ?? [AP PHOTO] ?? Cars drive through flooded streets from Tropical Storm Harvey on Thursday in Orange, Texas. Orange is the easternmos­t city in Texas and is located on the Sabine River at the border with Louisiana. Orange is 113 miles from Houston.
[AP PHOTO] Cars drive through flooded streets from Tropical Storm Harvey on Thursday in Orange, Texas. Orange is the easternmos­t city in Texas and is located on the Sabine River at the border with Louisiana. Orange is 113 miles from Houston.

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