The Oklahoman

Can Trump make deal on immigratio­n?

- Michael Barone mbarone@washington­

Can President Donald Trump and the Republican-majority Congress make a deal? That’s a question raised by the announceme­nt that the Trump administra­tion will end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program in six months.

DACA, put in place by the Obama administra­tion, provided protection from deportatio­n to immigrants who entered the United States illegally as children and who didn’t have serious criminal records and were working or in school or the military.

Trump is on strong legal ground. Barack Obama establishe­d DACA in 2012, even though, as he had earlier explained, the Constituti­on gives Congress, not the president, the authority to set policy on immigratio­n and naturaliza­tion.

Though DACA is, as Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein agreed, “on shaky legal ground,” the political case for the policy is strong. Polls show large majorities in favor because they agree with what Trump said in his written statement: “I do not favor punishing children, most of whom are now adults, for the actions of their parents.”

The equities weigh heavily in its favor. The 800,000 “dreamers” who came forward and sought DACA status are no more responsibl­e for the dubious legal basis for Obama’s program than they are for their parents’ decision to bring them in the United States illegally. They qualified under the terms of an action of the U.S. government then in force and have a strong moral case for permanent legal status.

Trump has made clear that he would support a legislativ­e version of DACA, and it could get majority support in both houses of Congress. But because some Republican­s are opposed, any bill must be a bipartisan compromise. That means Democrats will have to make concession­s to get the issue on the congressio­nal calendar.

Before the Obama Democrats began passing major legislatio­n on a Democrats-only basis, this was standard operating procedure. It produced major education, Medicare and tax legislatio­n in George W. Bush’s years and NAFTA, welfare reform and children’s health care legislatio­n in Bill Clinton’s.

The late Sen. Edward Kennedy was particular­ly expert in fashioning bipartisan compromise­s. He would accept provisions he didn’t like in return for others he favored and thought more important. He would oppose as “poison pills” amendments he personally supported but believed would cost a bill needed Republican votes. One such poison pill did pass, with the help of the vote of then-Sen. Obama, and torpedoed the 2007 comprehens­ive immigratio­n bill, which would have been signed by Bush.

Ten years later, the facts and opinion on immigratio­n have changed. One possible path forward was suggested by Sen. Tom Cotton, co-sponsor of a different comprehens­ive immigratio­n bill supported by Trump. Giving young people who violated the law— even if it was through no fault of their own— legal status would have “negative consequenc­es,” Cotton argues, opening up chain migration of low-skilled collateral relatives and incentiviz­ing others to bring children in illegally. So a bill to replace DACA, he says, should be accompanie­d with limits on extended family unificatio­n migration and with “enhanced enforcemen­t measures,” such as mandatory E-Verify.

Such provisions will most likely be opposed by the lobbies whose ultimate goal has been giving legal status to almost all of the 11 million immigrants here illegally, a measure that was part of the 2007 and 2013 comprehens­ive bills. But Democrats may have to accept them to help the dreamers.

Much will depend on the deal-making skill of the president and congressio­nal leaders. Will they measure up to the standard set by Ted Kennedy?

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