The Oklahoman

Catalan celebratio­n focuses on right to break from Spain


Hundreds of thousands of people packed the sunny streets of downtown Barcelona on Monday to celebrate Catalonia’s national day, an anniversar­y that provided a stage for the many Catalans who hope to vote within weeks for the region’s independen­ce from Spain.

The Spanish city’s broad, tree-lined boulevards were a sea of yellow T-shirts that evoked the yellow-and-red striped Catalan flag. Many participan­ts carried the pro-independen­ce flag, known as the “estelada,” which also contains a blue triangle and a white star. The crowd passed a giant banner calling for a secession referendum overhead.

This year’s annual celebratio­n came amid growing excitement and tension over the independen­ce vote planned for Oct. 1. Spain’s constituti­onal court has suspended the referendum while it considers its legality, but Catalan leaders say they will go ahead with it anyway.

Spain’s national government, based in Madrid, is doing all it can to stop the ballot, which it says is illegal. Catalan independen­ce parties said Monday’s huge turnout in the regional capital — estimated by Barcelona’s municipal police at 1 million — was a show of strength that would add momentum to their cause.

“Today we have said loud and clear that no orders from any court will stop us,” Jordi Sanchez, head of the grassroots movement Assemblea Nacional Catalana, said in a speech to the crowd.

While the standoff between Barcelona and Madrid is creating divisions, the good-humored celebratio­n attended by families produced no signs of conflict.

Participan­ts sang and clapped along to recordings of the Catalan anthem “Els Segadors” (The Reapers). At one point, the crowd shouted in unison: “Independen­cia!” — Independen­ce! The symbolic moment came after organizers counted down over a public address system to 5.14 p.m., which on a 24-hour clock is 1714.

That’s the year independen­ce supporters regard as the point when Catalonia lost much of the self-governing power it enjoyed for centuries.

 ?? [AP PHOTO] ?? A boy wrapped with an “estelada,” or independen­ce, flag waits for the metro Monday at Plaza Cataluna station during the Catalan National Day, in Barcelona, Spain.
[AP PHOTO] A boy wrapped with an “estelada,” or independen­ce, flag waits for the metro Monday at Plaza Cataluna station during the Catalan National Day, in Barcelona, Spain.

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