The Oklahoman



DEAR DR. GRAHAM: Several months ago I was convinced God wanted me to quit my old job and take a different one, but it hasn’t worked out. In fact, I just got fired from my new one. Where did I go wrong? Or did God change His mind?

— K.S.W. DEAR K.S.W.: No, God didn’t change His mind, nor did He make a mistake. God knows everything about us, and He also wants us to have what is best for us — because He loves us. The Bible says, “As for God, his way is perfect” (Psalm 18:30).

What, then, might have happened? One possibilit­y is that you misunderst­ood God’s will — that is, you thought He was leading you to do something, but in reality He wasn’t. Sometimes we confuse our own desires for God’s will, and instead of prayerfull­y waiting for Him to guide us, we run ahead and end up missing His way.

But you weren’t necessaril­y wrong; perhaps God has been leading you all along — confusing as that may seem to you right now. Listen: God is sovereign, and He has not abandoned you! He knows what you’re facing, and He can be trusted to lead you in the future. Don’t be discourage­d; God will be with you in the future just as He has been in the past.

Ask God to help you learn from this experience — but most of all, ask Him to help you trust your life and your future into Christ’s hands. Remember: God often uses life’s hard times to make us stronger. The Bible says, “We know that suffering produces perseveran­ce; perseveran­ce, character; and character, hope” (Romans 5:3-4).

Send your queries to “My Answer,” c/o Billy Graham, Billy Graham Evangelist­ic Associatio­n, 1 Billy Graham Parkway, Charlotte, North Carolina, 28201; call 877-2-GRAHAM, or visit the website for the Billy Graham Evangelist­ic Associatio­n: www.billygraha­

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