The Oklahoman

Wife treated like a queen longs for simple snuggling

- UNIVERSAL UCLICK Jeanne Phillips

DEAR ABBY: I recently got married to a wonderful man who is 19 years younger than I am. He’s the love of my life. The problem is, he sleeps totally on one side of the bed and isn’t affectiona­te at night except when we are making love. Then he is amazing — affectiona­te, attentive and kind.

He says his mother was very cold toward him, and he was reared by his grandparen­ts, who loved him, but were not “touchy-feely.” He treats me like a queen. Should I forget about it and be content sleeping un-hugged and un-held all night?

— On My Side in Maryland DEAR ON YOUR SIDE: No, you should talk to your husband and explain what your needs are. Although the sex is wonderful, many people —of both sexes, by the way —need to feel the warmth of human contact. Because he treats you like a queen, tell him you need more, and perhaps he will make more of an effort on your side of the bed and outside the bedroom.

DEAR ABBY: My husband and I enjoy drinking wine. Because of our busy schedule, we often stock up when there is a sale for the sake of convenienc­e. I cannot tell you how many times the cashier at the grocery or discount store will comment, “Are you having a party?” or “Boy, you sure do drink a lot of wine.” As a customer, I find this both rude and embarrassi­ng. Do you have any advice on how to respond to let them know that I find this to be poor customer service?

— Shy Wine Lover

DEAR SHY: It’s important to keep in mind that when cashiers make conversati­on, they are trying to be friendly. Because you are buying alcohol in quantity, it’s not unusual for someone to think you are having a party, and the question isn’t rude. All you have to do is say no.

However, if the clerk comments about the amount of wine he or she assumes you are consuming, you are perfectly within your rights to tell that person the comment is inappropri­ate and, frankly, offensive.

DEAR ABBY: I have developed romantic feelings toward a close friend. They are affecting my ability to be a good friend to her. If I say something, I risk losing someone I am very close to, but if I don’t, I may continue to push her away. What would you do?

— A Friend in Love DEAR FRIEND: The friendship as it stands must be painful for you. It’s time to tell your friend how you feel. You will never know if your feelings are reciprocat­ed unless you do. However, if they aren’t, it might be healthier for you to move on.

Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

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