The Oklahoman

Trump’s impressive first year

- BY HAROLD HAMM Hamm, founder, chairman and chief executive of Continenta­l Resources Inc., serves on the board of directors of America First Policies.

President Donald Trump’s stature is only growing in the eyes of the people responsibl­e for American job creation and wage growth.

No matter what spin the media put on the first year of the Trump administra­tion, the numbers don’t lie. What began as a Trump rally in November 2016 has turned into the Great American Economic Renaissanc­e.

Since Trump was elected, the stock market has skyrockete­d to never-before-seen highs, setting records and creating

$5 trillion in wealth for pensions, retirement and savings accounts. The economy’s ongoing expansion already is the third-longest in U.S. history, with a chance to surpass the record set by the 1990s economic boom.

American businesses have created nearly 1.5 million jobs, as the economy expanded by at least 3 percent for two quarters in a row after eight years of lackluster growth. We are seeing a turning of the tide in public opinion, especially with legislatio­n to overhaul our tax code expected to increase the pace of growth.

The president is doing exactly what he promised during his campaign: Make America Great Again.

Our nation’s business leaders can clearly see the impact of Trump’s efforts to slash government regulation­s, restore the balance of trade and unleash American prosperity.

An important byproduct of the president’s work in his first year is shoring up America’s relationsh­ips with its allies. Trump’s “America first” energy policy has freed domestic producers to export more of our rising supply of crude oil to customers around the world, allowing oil buyers to avoid patronizin­g hostile regimes.

These strengthen­ed ties will make the world a safer place, emboldenin­g investors to continue contributi­ng to our nation’s historic economic growth.

President Trump’s first year in office has been revelatory, showing everyone who is paying attention what his policies can do to spur the American economy. But the best is yet to come.

We still have at least three more years, and hopefully as many as seven, to enjoy the fruits of the president’s labor: a resurgent economy that will create jobs, higher wages and unpreceden­ted prosperity for all Americans.

 ??  ?? Harold Hamm
Harold Hamm

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