The Oklahoman



The perfect excuse

“The Victory Lap” (political cartoon, Dec. 28) was demonstrab­ly misleading. The vertical slope upward, titled “entitlemen­ts spending,” should instead have been vertically downward, representi­ng our “social safety net” in very grave danger. The central impetus for the unconscion­able tax cuts is shamefully obvious (and even more odious.) Republican­s will soon have the perfect excuse to decimate the social safety net, a goal they have been working toward for at least the past 50 years. Read House Speaker Paul Ryan’s repeated pronouncem­ents that Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are “absolutely unsustaina­ble” and therefore must be seriously pared. Adding $1.5 trillion to our national debt lays the perfect foundation for such decimation.

It’s a plan, not an accident. The GOP is thrilled by the prospect of “debating entitlemen­ts.”

Frank Silovsky, Oklahoma City

Libertaria­ns left out

It’s disappoint­ing that “2018 could be significan­t for politics in Oklahoma” (News, Jan. 1) failed to mention the presence of the Libertaria­n Party on the ballot for the first time in a gubernator­ial election in Oklahoma. The Libertaria­n Party has had a continuous­ly active organizati­on in the state since 1971 but was prevented from running candidates in many elections due to overly restrictiv­e ballot access laws that were finally reformed before the last presidenti­al election. No alternativ­e party has been able to run a gubernator­ial candidate since 1998. Not only are voters more open to voices outside the two establishm­ent parties, but the Libertaria­n Party in Oklahoma will also run candidates for numerous other offices, likely even more than we did in 2016.

As the number of registered Libertaria­ns continues to grow, we are well on our way to establishi­ng the party as a permanent fixture in Oklahoma politics. Surely it’s worth a mention that a party advocating for individual liberty is on the rise to counter those two others that spend all their time advocating for more power for themselves.

Chris Powell, Bethany Powell is one of three Libertaria­n candidates for governor in 2018.

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