The Oklahoman

About Oprah bid in 2020


Democrats have no shortage of party members interested in running for president in 2020. Indeed, the pilgrimage­s to Iowa, the self-promoting books (and attendant tours), and speeches on the local party dinner circuit have already begun. Yet, when talk of an Oprah Winfrey White House bid began after the popular former talk show host gave a rousing speech at Sunday’s Golden Globes, Democrats from various circles within the party cheered her on.

If Winfrey wants to seek the presidency, they seemed to suggest, there would be plenty of support for it. …

Winfrey’s intentions aside, the apparent eagerness among Democrats for her to join the fray pointed to the leadership vacuum within the party in the post-Obama era. Never mind that many Democratic senators along with several current and former officehold­ers appear poised to take on President Trump in 2020. The potential for an Oprah bid drew more excitement than all the other possible contenders combined. As Democrats plot their way out of the electoral wilderness, discussion Monday centered on whether Oprah Winfrey could be their deliveranc­e.

Not everyone was eager to entertain the idea just yet. “Hey. Let’s focus on winning in 2018. Thanks,” wrote Sen. Brian Schatz. The Hawaii lawmaker had a point. The midterms are critical for Democrats in rebuilding their party for the long term, not only in terms of gaining congressio­nal seats but also winning governors’ races and state legislatur­es, which will be key to redistrict­ing in the 2020s.

Yet some Democrats argued that their candidates could take note of Winfrey’s example. “People responded to @Oprah last night because her message is authentic, rooted in values, aspiration­al & direct. Democrats running in 2018 & 2020 should take note,” wrote Guy Cecil, chairman of Priorities USA and a former executive director of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. …

— RealClearP­olitics political reporter Caitlin Huey-Burns, in an article Tuesday.

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