The Oklahoman

Hopefuls split on adoption bill

Measure allows faith-based groups to receive state funding


Oklahoma candidates for governor are split on whether adoption services should be able to cite their religious beliefs in denying placement to prospectiv­e parents, including same-sex couples.

Some Republican­s said they back legislatio­n now before Gov. Mary Fallin that would allow groups to receive public funding even if they offer adoption services only to those who share their beliefs.

At a recent forum in Oklahoma City, Lt. Gov. Todd Lamb, a Republican said, “As lieutenant governor, I’ve stood firm in defense of religious liberties.

“So this is a simple, simple answer. As it was explained … I would support the legislatio­n and defend our faith communitie­s.”

Fallin has about two weeks to act on the measure, Senate Bill 1140, which received final passage this week from the Legislatur­e.

Supporters, including the Catholic Conference of Oklahoma, say adoption agencies in some states have had to cease operations because they would have been forced to violate their religious principles to comply with adoption regulation­s.

In a statement, the conference said, “Contrary to opposing rhetoric, the bill does not change current practice for foster placement by the Oklahoma Department of Human Services, nor does it ‘ban’ foster placement or adoption by any class of families, including samesex couples.”

Critics say the bill allows adoption services, including ones receiving public money, to discrimina­te.

Former state Sen. Connie Johnson, a Democrat running for governor, said Friday, “Like all fair-minded citizens, I am very concerned about SB 1140, which is essentiall­y state-sponsored discrimina­tion against people who are different.

“As a former foster mother and a person who supports all people regardless of race, ethnic origin, gender or preference, I oppose this bill. It interferes with our state’s ability to help those most in need.”

Yukon pastor Dan Fisher, a former state legislator who is running for the Republican nomination, said at a recent forum that adoption services “ought to be able to practice what they believe without being forced to compromise their beliefs, just like Christian bakers and florists who are being asked to violate their religious beliefs. We should not do that.”

Tulsa businessma­n Kevin Stitt, a Republican, said, “I would definitely support legislatio­n that protected freedom of religion. So if a faithbased organizati­on is getting into adoption, they have the right to exercise that.

“If you change that on them, then you’re going to see those people leave that industry, or there won’t be as many providers.”

Democrat Drew Edmondson, former Oklahoma attorney general, said, “With our schools, our health care system and services for our veterans in distress, our Legislatur­e has once again chosen to advocate for divisive and discrimina­tory policy.

“This bill effectivel­y serves as a ‘closed for business’ sign for companies that might want to bring their business here. The bill may very well be unconstitu­tional and will certainly cost the state money to defend.”

Republican Mick Cornett, the former mayor of Oklahoma City, said, “I think we’ve got to put the kids first. And I’m for policies, I’m for programs that increase the chances of a kid being adopted, either if it’s a foster parent or a legal adoption.”

Republican Gary Jones, the state auditor, said, “I believe people ought to be able to practice their faith, but I also believe we need to make sure that we don’t limit the good parents out there that might be willing to adopt a child.

“A lot of children are not adopted. We’ve got to open it up to more people who are willing to do that. I think because of that, we need to be careful to start restrictin­g those because we’re going to end up hurting the kids.”

Tulsa attorney Gary Richardson, a Republican, said, “Same-sex couples who wish to adopt children have the opportunit­y to do so through a number of avenues. But the government should neither boycott nor strong-arm a faith-based adoption service into violating the tenets of its religious foundation. This bill does not strip away anyone’s rights to adopt a child. It merely protects the rights of an entity which uses faith-based criteria for placement.”

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