The Oklahoman

Some perspectiv­e, please in political correctnes­s push


‘Ladies’ lingerie.” It was a lame, outmoded joke — the sort of thing you say in a crowded elevator, an artifact of the days of fancy department stores with operators announcing the floor stops.

Those two words — the speaker remembers saying “ladies’ lingerie,” a passenger who was offended recalls hearing “women’s lingerie” — have turned into the latest exemplar in the academy of political correctnes­s gone wild.

The episode occurred last month in San Francisco at the annual meeting of the Internatio­nal Studies Associatio­n. Richard Ned Lebow, a professor of political theory at King’s College London and the 2014 recipient of ISA’s distinguis­hed scholar award, made the remark after someone in his elevator called out to ask for floor requests.

Simona Sharoni, professor of women’s and gender studies at Merrimack College in Massachuse­tts, took offense. As she recounted in a formal complaint lodged less than four hours later, Lebow “said, with a smile on his face, ‘women’s lingerie,’ and all his buddies laughed. After they walked out, the woman standing next to me turned to me and said, ‘I wonder if we should have told them that it is no longer acceptable to make these jokes!’ It took me a while to figure out that this man thought it was funny to make a reference to men shopping for lingerie while attending an academic conference . ... As a survivor of sexual harassment in the academy, I am quite shaken by this incident.”

Lebow, informed of the complaint, wrote what he said was intended to be a conciliato­ry response, assuring Sharoni that “I certainly had no desire to insult women or to make you feel uncomforta­ble” and suggested that Sharoni, born in Romania and raised in Israel, may have “interprete­d my remark out of context.”

“Like you, I am strongly opposed to the exploitati­on, coercion or humiliatio­n of women,” Lebow wrote. “As such evils continue, it seems to me to make sense to direct our attention to real offenses, not those that are imagined or marginal. By making a complaint to ISA that I consider frivolous ... you may be directing time and effort away from the real offenses that trouble us both.”

Last week, ISA Executive Director Mark Boyer informed Lebow that the disciplina­ry committee had found his elevator remarks “offensive and inappropri­ate.” An even “more serious violation,” Boyer said, was “that you chose to reach out to Prof. Sharoni, and termed her complaint ‘frivolous.’” Lebow was thus instructed to issue an “unequivoca­l apology.” Not surprising­ly, he declined. In an email to colleagues, he described the finding as “a horrifying and chilling example of political correctnes­s” that “encourages others to censor their remarks for fear of retributio­n.” Sharoni, too, worries that the incident will have a chilling effect, but in the opposite direction, because Lebow’s decision to launch what she called “a public smear campaign directed at me” could deter others from filing complaints.

This episode reflects not only a generation­al and cultural divide, but also the unfortunat­e intersecti­on of two prickly personalit­ies with the bad luck to be stuck in the same elevator. She shouldn’t have leaped to file a grievance; he shouldn’t have added fuel by labeling her charge “frivolous.”

Nonetheles­s, count me with Lebow. The days of women feeling compelled to stay silent in the face of sexist remarks or conduct are thankfully on the way out. Hear something, say something, by all means.

But for goodness’ sake, let’s maintain some sense of proportion and civility. Not every comment that offends was intended that way. Maybe check in with the speaker before going nuclear? Maybe consider that there is a spectrum of offensiven­ess? That not every stray statement by a 76-year-old man warrants resort to disciplina­ry procedures?

Because making a federal case, or even a disciplina­ry one, over a stray elevator remark is not only, well, frivolous — it’s counterpro­ductive. Take a culture of eggshell fragility. Pair it with a hypersensi­tive disciplina­ry mechanism. What you get is a result that serves only to diminish real, and continuing, instances of truly offensive behavior.

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