The Oklahoman

College freshman plans on breast enhancemen­t

- Jeanne Phillips Contact Dear Abby at www.

DEAR ABBY: My wife’s niece, a high school senior, is a beautiful girl with an excellent, well-proportion­ed figure. Like many girls her age, she’s narcissist­ic and obsessed with her looks, and constantly posting pictures of herself on social media.

She’s off to college in a few months, and “in order to ensure she’s attractive to boys,” wants to get a boob job. She works in a clothing store and has saved toward the cost.

Her mother and aunt are supportive and willing to help her pay for it. Their logic is, they both had boob jobs. However, they had theirs done well into their 40s, after their children were born and as clear-thinking adults. I feel being supportive of an 18-year-old making such a major decision for what I think is the wrong reason is irresponsi­ble parenting.

I know it’s absolutely none of my business, and I won’t say a word, but I wonder what your commonsens­e opinion is. They do read your column.

— Rational Uncle in the West

DEAR UNCLE: I agree with you that getting breast enhancemen­t surgery to be more attractive to boys is doing it for the wrong reason. But if the cosmetic surgery is approved by the girl’s mother, for your own safety, you should stay out of the minefield.

DEAR ABBY: My 23-yearold son, “John,” got his girlfriend, “Jane,” pregnant. Everyone seemed to be happy — I know I was — even though they were not going to get married.

Well, they had a big fight and Jane moved out. They say their relationsh­ip is over and irreparabl­e. I want to have a baby shower for my son because he is going to need stuff at his house, too. Jane does not want to attend. Can I have a baby shower for my son?

— Grandma in Waiting

DEAR GRANDMA: Under the circumstan­ces, a shower for your son would be appropriat­e. Jane’s absence should not prevent there from being one.

DEAR ABBY: Over the past few months, my husband and I have been getting phone calls claiming we have been charged with a crime and face dire consequenc­es if we don’t return the call immediatel­y. As a recent law enforcemen­t retiree, my husband knows these calls are bogus. Please remind your readers NO ONE is ever informed of legitimate legal action against them by a pre-recorded phone call. This includes the IRS. Notice of legitimate action is sent through the postal service or personally delivered by a courtdesig­nated representa­tive, usually the police. I don’t want any of your readers, especially retirees, to fall victim to this scam.

— Retirees, watch out!

DEAR READERS: If you haven’t heard about this kind of scam — which can be scary — please share this item with friends and relatives. I received one of these messages about six months ago. Do not engage with these con artists. Just hang up.

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