The Oklahoman

Leaked video shows Khashoggi ‘body double’


ISTANBUL — Just hours after writer Jamal Khashoggi was killed in the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul, a man strolled out of the diplomatic post apparently wearing the columnist’s clothes as part of a macabre deception to sow confusion over his fate, according to surveillan­ce video leaked Monday.

The new video broadcast by CNN, as well as a pro-government Turkish newspaper’s report that a member of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s entourage made four calls to the royal’s office from the consulate around the same time, put everincrea­sing pressure on the kingdom. Meanwhile, Turkish crimescene investigat­ors swarmed a garage Monday night in Istanbul where a Saudi consular vehicle had been parked.

All this came on the eve of Prince Mohammed’s high-profile investment summit in Riyadh, which has seen a raft of the world’s top business leaders decline to attend over the slaying of the writer for The Washington Post. U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, who said he would not attend the conference but would discuss counter-terrorism efforts with Saudi officials, met with the crown prince on Monday night.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan also has promised that details of Khashoggi’s killing “will be revealed in all its nakedness” in an address he’ll make before parliament around the same time Tuesday.

“We are faced with a situation in which it was a brutally planned (killing) and efforts were made to cover it up,” said Omer Celik, a spokesman for Turkey’s ruling Justice and Developmen­t Party. “God willing, the results will be brought into the open, those responsibl­e will be punished and no one will dare think of carrying out such a thing again.”

The kingdom’s announceme­nt Saturday that Khashoggi died in a “fistfight” was met with internatio­nal skepticism and allegation­s of a cover-up to absolve the 33-year-old crown prince of direct responsibi­lity.

U.S. President Donald Trump told reporters at the White House on Monday that he was “not satisfied with what I’ve heard,” regarding Khashoggi’s death. He added: “We will know very soon.”

Turkish media reports and officials maintain that a 15-member Saudi team flew to Istanbul on Oct. 2, knowing Khashoggi would enter the consulate to get a document he needed to get married. Once he was inside, the Saudis accosted Khashoggi, cut off his fingers, killed and dismembere­d the 59-year-old writer, according to Turkish media reports.

 ?? [AP PHOTO] ?? Turkish police secure an undergroun­d car park, where authoritie­s earlier found a vehicle belonging to the Saudi Consulate, on Monday in Istanbul.
[AP PHOTO] Turkish police secure an undergroun­d car park, where authoritie­s earlier found a vehicle belonging to the Saudi Consulate, on Monday in Istanbul.

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