The Oklahoman

Allies rally to UK’s May amid leadership woes over Brexit


LONDON — British Prime Minister Theresa May won support for her beleaguere­d Brexit deal Friday from key politician­s and business groups, but she remained besieged by internal party opponents determined to oust her.

In a tumultuous week, May finally clinched a divorce deal with the European Union — only for it to be savaged by the political opposition, her parliament­ary allies and large chunks of her own Conservati­ve Party. Two Cabinet ministers and a handful of junior government members resigned, and grumbles about her leadership erupted into a roar.

Friday brought some respite, as supportive Cabinet ministers rallied around her. Internatio­nal Trade Secretary Liam Fox, a prominent pro-Brexit voice in Cabinet, threw May a lifeline by urging rebels to “take a rational and reasonable view of this.”

“Ultimately I hope that across Parliament we’ll recognize that a deal is better than no deal,” he said.

Britain’s Conservati­ves have been divided for decades over Britain’s membership in the EU, and the draft withdrawal agreement has infuriated the most strongly pro-Brexit members, who want the country to make a clean break with the bloc. They say the draft agreement, which calls for close trade ties between the U.K. and the EU, would leave Britain a vassal state, bound to rules it has no say in making.

The deal drove a group of disaffecte­d Brexiteers to try to topple May by submitting letters saying they have lost confidence in her leadership. They are aiming for the magic number of 48 — the 15 percent of Conservati­ve lawmakers needed to trigger a challenge to her leadership under party rules.

After a day of conflictin­g rumors about whether 48 letters had been sent, leading Brexiteer Steve Baker said, “I think we’re very close.”

He suggested the threshold might be reached “sometime next week.”

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