The Oklahoman

Trump putting GOP in a bind

- Marc Thiessen Washington Post Writers Group

IWASHINGTO­N f the goal is to build a border wall, then President Trump has made the wrong decision at every turn.

In early 2018, Trump had the opportunit­y to secure $25 billion in funding for his border wall in exchange for legal status for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipients. Instead, he blew up the negotiatio­ns with his “s---hole” countries remark and by demanding changes to legal immigratio­n policy.

Then in June, the Senate Appropriat­ions Committee approved $1.6 billion for 65 miles of fencing. This could easily have passed the House and Senate. Instead, Trump later shut down the government over wall funding and demanded $5.7 billion. Result? After a disastrous 35-day shutdown, he got less ($1.38 billion) than he would have if he had just gone along with the bipartisan deal six months earlier.

Now, the smart move would have been to pocket that $1.38 billion and bolster it with another $3.1 billion he could arguably use without a declaratio­n of a national emergency— by reprogramm­ing $600 million from the Treasury Department's drug forfeiture fund and $2.5 billion from the Defense Department's drug interdicti­on program. That would have given him $4.48 billion in wall funding — nearly the full amount he was demanding from Congress. Then, in December, he could demand more money with leverage over Democrats when an automatic sequester kicks in, forcing $55 billion in across-the-board cuts to domestic discretion­ary spending unless Trump agrees to raise spending caps.

Instead, Trump declared a national emergency, despite warnings from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and other Republican­s that it could provoke a backlash from within his own party.

His order will face an immediate court challenge, which means he won't be able to spend the emergency funds any time soon, if at all. And if he prevails in court, it will be a disaster for the cause of limited government. If Trump can declare a national emergency to build a border wall Congress refused to fund, then the power of the president to override Congress's power of the purse will be virtually unlimited.

Just as the Democrats' decision to eliminate the filibuster on lifetime judicial appointmen­ts below the Supreme Court backfired— setting precedent for a Republican rules change to put two justices on the Supreme Court and secure its conservati­ve majority for a generation— Republican­s will rue the day if they go along with Trump's executive power grab. More than a dozen Senate Republican­s have spoken out against his emergency declaratio­n. If their votes comport with their words, that is more than enough to pass a resolution of disapprova­l.

In fact, every Republican in Congress should vote for such a resolution. Stopping executive overreach and restoring Congress's Article I powers was a key plank in Republican­s' 2016 Better Way agenda. “Our President has been acting more like a monarch than an elected official,” House Republican­s declared. “That stops now.”

Trump would no doubt veto a resolution. But the fact that a bipartisan majority of both houses voted to overturn Trump's declaratio­n would bolster the legal case against his action. As Justice Robert Jackson wrote in a concurring opinion for Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer, presidenti­al powers “are not fixed but fluctuate, depending upon their disjunctio­n or conjunctio­n with those of Congress.” When a president acts with congressio­nal support, his power is “at its maximum.” When Congress has not spoken, “there is a zone of twilight.” But “when the President takes measures incompatib­le with the expressed or implied will of Congress, his power is at its lowest ebb,” Jackson declared. A disapprova­l resolution would make clear that not only is Trump ignoring the will of Congress, but also Congress has further expressly disapprove­d of his actions.

Trump's defenders will argue that Republican­s should not deliver such a rebuke to their president. The opposite is true: It is Trump who should not be forcing Republican­s to choose between fidelity to their president and fidelity to the Constituti­on. And if forced to choose, they must choose the Constituti­on.

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