The Oklahoman

Church music director hides alcoholism well

- Jeanne Phillips Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069. UNIVERSAL UCLICK

DEAR ABBY: The music director at our church — I'll call her Mildred — is an alcoholic. I realized it after I offered my home to her when she said she needed to escape from her alcoholic partner. Mildred is a nighttime drinker and imbibes until probably 2 a.m. She says she can't get to sleep until the “middle of the night.”

I was married to an alcoholic for many years, yet I had no idea Mildred had a problem until she lived with me for those few weeks. She left my home giving me the various reasons why I wasn't nice enough to her and has returned to her alcoholic partner. Should I say anything to the administra­tor of the church? At this point, it's my word against Mildred's, and her problem will be discovered sooner or later. Your advice?

— Getting Involved in the East


INVOLVED: If Mildred's drinking negatively affects her work, tell the administra­tor. If not, keep the bad tidings to yourself. However, in the future, if appropriat­e, be ready to share with Mildred informatio­n about support resources available to her such as AA, SMART Recovery, LifeRing and Women For Sobriety. DEAR ABBY: My partner recently lost one of his lateral incisors. He got a prosthetic tooth to wear until he gets an implant, which looks fine if he wears it. The problem is, it isn't comfortabl­e. He can't eat with it, and he often prefers to leave it out. He also does this at home.

We live in a major metropolit­an city. Having missing teeth is just not acceptable. Aside from it being bad for his dental health, he looks like a jack-o'lantern when he smiles, which is extremely unattracti­ve. I feel it's socially and profession­ally detrimenta­l. Every time I broach the subject of moving forward with the implant, he responds with fierce opposition, which inevitably ends in an argument. Any advice?

— That's the “Tooth” in San Francisco

DEAR TOOTH: It would be helpful to understand why your partner fiercely opposes moving forward with the implant. Is he afraid it will be painful? Is the problem that he doesn't have the money? If it's the former, he should talk to his dentist so his fears can be allayed. If it's the latter, perhaps he can talk to the dentist about payment options, or you can help him pay for the implant.

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