The Oklahoman

Abe courts Trump with burgers, golf, wrestling and more

- By Darlene Superville and Jill Colvin

TOKYO — It was a day of sumo-sized diplomacy.

Plenty of world leaders have tried to butter up President Donald Trump with flattery and favors. Japan's Shinzo Abe on Sunday raised the bar for all of them.

First Abe treated his friend to a round of golf (with tweeted selfie). Then the prime minister allowed Trump to take center stage at a sumo wrestling match, where he spent the better part of the day watching large men in loincloths and bare feet brawl inside a ring.

When it was over, Trump did what no other American president has done. Climbing into the elevated dirt ring, or “dohyo,” in ceremonial slippers, Trump presented a hulking 60- pound ( 27- kilogram) trophy to the tournament champion — a cup that Trump said he hoped would be used for “many hundreds of years.”

“I hereby award you the United States President's Cup ,” Trump told As a no ya ma, the sumo champion, as he read from a scroll.

From there, it was off to a “couple's dinner” for the Trumps and Abes.

The golf, sumo, dinner — with a cheeseburg­er lunch wedged in — were part of a diplomatic package designed by Abe to stay on Trump's good side amid tensions between their government­s over trade and other issues.

Sunday was all about keeping Trump happy. An effusive Abe described their buddy time as “cozy.”

It began with 16 holes of golf at Mobara Country Club, where t hey were joined by Japanese pro Isao Aoki. On the lunch menu: double cheese burgers, made with U.S. beef.

Abe next introduced Trump to Japan's ancient sport of sum ow restling, which Trump had previously said he finds “fascinatin­g.” Even so, at times he appeared somewhat bored at Ryogoku Kokugikan Stadium.

Loud applause greeted Trump as he entered the arena and took his seat a few rows behind the ring, in a break from the custom of sitting cross-legged on cushions. Trump, Abe and their wives were among an estimated 11,500 fans there to see who would claim the title.

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