The Oklahoman

Trump's Hong Kong stance shows focus on China trade

- By Jonathan Lemire and Robert Burns

WASHINGTON — Rather than speak up strongly for the Hong Kong protesters, President Donald Trump on Thursday suggested the answer to their complaints of Chinese oppression is simply for Beijing's “great leader,” Xi Jinping, to meet with them and peacefully sort out the unrest that has been decades in the making.

Trump's comments were a far cry from the tougher stances taken by some fellow Republican­s — and his predecesso­rs in office — to stand with pro-democracy protesters during moments of unrest. His words are emblematic of a foreign policy approach that focuses narrowly on a trade deal with China, putting it above promoting American values.

Trump has fixated on the state of trade negotiatio­ns and at times has ignored the counsel of some of his most senior advisers to lower the temperatur­e of the trade dispute with Beijing. Amid stock market volatility this week and talk of a looming recession, worries have grown within the West Wing that escalating trade tensions and tariffs could undermine Trump's best argument for reelection -- a strong U. S. economy.

In June, Trump indicated to Chinese President Xi on the sidelines of an internatio­nal summit in Japan that he would not overtly criticize the Chinese government's efforts to silence the protests in Hong Kong, according to two administra­tion officials not authorized to speak publicly about private discussion­s. As the demonstrat­ions ratcheted up this week, Trump stayed mostly quiet, referring to the moment as “the Hong Kong thing.”

As he has in the past, Trump retreated to the role of observer to an internatio­nal crisis, chiming in on Twitter with reactions to what he saw on cable TV but not injecting the United States into the moment.

He said Thursday before embarking on Air Force One for a rally in New Hampshire that he doesn't want to see the monthslong protests in Hong Kong met with violence by China.

National security adviser John Bolton and economic and diplomatic aides have urged the White House to back the protesters.

The State Department on Wednesday expressed deep concern about reports of Chinese paramilita­ry movement near the Hong Kong border and offered a measure of support for the protests, saying they “reflect the sentiment of Hongkonger­s and their broad and legitimate concerns about the erosion of Hong Kong's autonomy.”

The top Democrat and Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee jointly placed the blame squarely on Beijing and recalled the violent crackdown on Tiananmen Square demonstrat­ors in 1989.

“We are concerned that China would consider again brutally putting down peaceful protests,” said the statement Wednesday by Reps Eliot Engel of New York, the committee chairman, and Michael McCaul of Texas, the ranking Republican. “We urge China to avoid making such a mistake, which would be met with universal condemnati­on and swift consequenc­es.”

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