The Oklahoman


There is no solid evidence alkaline beverages are better for you

- By Christy Brissette Special To The Washington Post

The idea that alkaline water promotes health has been around for decades. But with new marketing, the same beverage is being promoted as a performanc­eenhancing sports drink that's at least double the price of bottled water. Global sales of alkaline water are expected to reach $1 billion this year, according to food and beverage consultanc­y Zenith Global.

But there's no solid evidence that these beverages boost energy, strengthen bones or fight cancer, or that alkaline water is any better than other types of bottled water — or even tap water. Here's what you need to know about this specialty waters.

Q. What exactly is alkaline water? A. The terms acid and alkaline refer to the pH level of a waterbased solution. The pH scale runs from 0 to 14, with 0 being completely acidic, 14 being totally alkaline and 7 being neutral. Lemon juice has a pH of 2, while baking soda has a pH of 9. Water, including tap water, has a pH of 7, or neutral.

Alkaline water has a pH of up to 8 or 9. It can be naturally alkaline (for example, spring water can contain minerals that make it more alkaline), or it can be ionized to make it that way.

Ionized water has been put through an electrical process called electrolys­is (not to be confused with the hair-removal treatment with the same name). In this process, an electrical current is sent through the water, separating the molecules into acidic ions with a positive charge and alkaline ones with a negative charge. Then, the acidic ions are siphoned off, leaving behind a more alkaline water. The water can be further enhanced or made even more alkaline by adding alkaline compounds such as minerals and salts.

Q. How does alkaline water affect the body's pH level?

A. A healthy body does an excellent job of keeping its pH levels within a narrow range called acid-base balance. For example, the acid in your stomach and the alkaline secretions from the pancreas work to “even out” the pH of food and beverages. And your lungs and kidneys keep the pH of your blood tightly regulated between 7.35 to 7.45. So, whether your water is more alkaline or not, it will end up neutralize­d once you ingest it.

You wouldn't want your blood to be more alkaline or more acidic than these ranges, anyway, because that would indicate an underlying health problem. Blood that is too acidic or alkaline could be a sign of liver, kidney or lung disease.

Q. What are alkaline water's alleged health benefits?

A. Manufactur­ers claim alkaline water can boost energy or hydration, aid in digestion or strengthen bones because it neutralize­s acid in the body. But, as noted above, your body does a fine job of neutralizi­ng acid on its own, and these claims are based on flimsy science.

One small study funded by an ionized/alkaline water company found that blood and urine pH increased after participan­ts drank its water for two weeks compared with a control group of people who drank nonmineral­ized bottled water. The values were still within normal ranges, however, and there isn't any evidence to suggest that these minor shifts would promote better health.

The researcher­s also claimed that the alkaline water was more hydrating because the average urine output of the experiment­al group was lower. But because fluid intake was self-reported in this study, we don't know whether the two groups took in the same amounts. As such, we can't conclude that urinating less was a sign of being more hydrated.

Another study of 100 healthy people funded by an ionized/alkaline water company found that drinking the company's water after exercising in a hot environmen­t led to a smaller percent change in a measure of blood viscosity from baseline compared with bottled water.

The researcher­s proposed having thinner blood could help people get oxygen more efficientl­y after exercise. We don't know whether that's true. We do know that blood viscosity isn't a recognized measure of hydration.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administra­tion has denied the use of claims for health benefits of alkaline water relating to bone health due to insufficie­nt evidence.

Q. Potential drawbacks of ionized and enhanced waters

A. Not only is alkaline water not helpful, drinking it may have drawbacks. Ionized or enhanced water isn't necessaril­y purified. Make sure water you drink often is properly filtered and/or from a clean source without contaminan­ts.

Though enhanced water may have some minerals or other nutrients added to it, ionized or processed alkaline water that has been distilled or filtered via reverse osmosis may not contain any minerals, making it less nutritious; the World Health Organizati­on advises against regularly consuming water that has low mineral content because it could negatively affect your digestive system and cause mineral loss. Naturally alkaline water or spring water are better choices because they typically contain minerals.

Q. What's the bottom line about alkaline water?

A. Alkaline water isn't necessaril­y better. Instead, you should focus on consuming

water that's filtered and contains minerals and making sure you're getting enough of it. According to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineerin­g and Medicine, healthy sedentary men need about 15.5 cups of fluid and women need 11.5 cups of fluid each day — and you get only about 20% of that from food.

In most areas of the country, you can safely and inexpensiv­ely rely on tap water to fulfill your fluid needs. You'll be doing the environmen­t a favor, too: drinking less bottled water means less singleuse plastic waste.

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 ?? CONNECTION] ?? Are popular specialty waters better for you than regular bottled or tap water? [METRO CREATIVE
CONNECTION] Are popular specialty waters better for you than regular bottled or tap water? [METRO CREATIVE

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