The Oklahoman


- Rodd Moesel Rodd Moesel serves as president of Oklahoma Farm Bureau and was inducted into the Oklahoma Agricultur­e Hall of Fame. Email garden and landscape questions to rmoesel@americanpl­

Enjoy the colors of fall in your garden and on the trees

The hardy mums and lycoris also known as naked lily or red spider lily bulbs are producing lots of color in our fall gardens.

The big fall color comes from our trees as their leaves change color and prepare to drop and become humus or organic matter to support the plants of next season. Fall leaf color is influenced by day length, weather and leaf pigments. Day length or night length is the most consistent of these factors and repeats virtually the same schedule each year. As the days get shorter, the nights get longer and cooler and trigger a number of biochemica­l processes in the leaf.

Chlorophyl­l is the basic green pigment we see in plant leaves and is a key ingredient of photosynth­esis, which enables plants to use sunlight to manufactur­e sugars for food. Carotenoid pigments produce yellow, orange and brown colors in carrots, corn, bananas and daffodils, as well as in many fall tree leaves. Anthocyani­n pigment produces red, blue and purple colors in cranberrie­s, cherries, strawberri­es, red apples, concord grapes, blueberrie­s and plums. Anthocyani­n is water soluble and appears in the liquid part of fall leaf cells.

Chlorophyl­l and carotenoid­s are present in leaf cells throughout the full growing season, but chlorophyl­l usually masks or covers up the yellow or orange of the carotenoid­s. Anthocyani­ns are produced in the fall when we have bright days and excess plant sugars within the leaves. When day length is reduced, chlorophyl­l production slows down and then stops. When the chlorophyl­l is not replenishe­d in the tree leaves, the yellow carotenoid­s are unmasked and the fall anthocyani­ns become visible to paint our tree landscape in tones of yellow, orange, brown, red, bronze and even tinges of purple.

The amount and brilliance of fall tree color can vary a lot from year to year based on weather conditions. Temperatur­e and moisture are the biggest factors. Warm, sunny days and cool, crisp nights usually produce the best color. The warm, sunny days produce more sugars into the leaves, and the cooling nights result in the gradual closing of the leaf veins and the trapping of more sugars in the leaf to produce more anthocyani­ns, which produce the most vivid fall colors. Summer droughts or extended warm fall weather or early hard freezes will lessen the intensity of Oklahoma fall tree colors.

After the fall color, the leaves will separate from the trees and float to the ground. They act as a mulch to protect the tree and surroundin­g vegetation, and they deliver nutrients back to the soil. Instead of raking and hauling off these valuable leaves, consider using them as mulch over your flowerbeds or creating a compost pile to let them break down into fine humus or organic matter you can add to flower beds when planting next growing season.

Poplar trees will be bright yellow. Oaks produce red and brown colors, sugar maples turn orange-red while red maples turn a brilliant scarlet and most elms just shrivel up and turn brown.

This is a wonderful time of year to work in your garden planting mums, kale and pansies and to enjoy the fall color.

Visit your local parks and drive through the countrysid­e or plan a trip to southeast Oklahoma to get different perspectiv­es of the great fall color nature produces each autumn.

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