The Oklahoman



“His mother said to the servants, `Do whatever Jesus tells you.' ”

— John 2:5

During a wedding feast in Cana, when the wine ran out, the steward needed more. When Mary learned about the problem, she asked her son for help. After speaking to Jesus, she commanded the servants, “Do whatever Jesus tells you.”

Jesus quietly worked through the servants at the wedding feast to perform the first of His signs. Exactly as Mary had commanded them, they obeyed Jesus explicitly. When Jesus told them to use the six stone water jars that the Jews set apart for the Jewish rites of purificati­on, they did not object and used all of them. When Jesus commanded, “Fill the jars with water,” they “filled them to the brim.”

When Jesus told them to draw some out of the jars and take it to the steward, they obeyed. After the steward tasted the water changed to wine, he honored the bridegroom before his guests by saying, “You have kept the good wine until now.”

The bridegroom received the honor when the steward commended him for serving the best wine at the last, and the festivitie­s continued uninterrup­ted. Jesus' miracle met everyone's needs, and Jesus “revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him.”

Just as Jesus transforme­d the water into wine, Jesus seeks to transform people into servants who will explicitly and completely obey God. All those who become Jesus' true disciples eventually learn to do immediatel­y whatever Jesus tells them.

— L.G. Parkhurst Jr.

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