The Oklahoman

Coronaviru­s illustrate­s ills of poverty in the US

Doctor sees opportunit­y to make positive change

- Jayne O’Donnell

RALEIGH, N.C. – Jeremiah Newson, 25, moved here from Chicago last year to be closer to his girlfriend and baby. He found a homeless shelter that helped him get three meals, transporta­tion and medical care. When COVID-19 hit and he wasn’t allowed to leave the shelter, Newson started sleeping on the streets where he thinks he’s less likely to catch the coronaviru­s that causes the disease. But the poverty and homelessne­ss he’s faced since high school puts him and his immune system at high risk of other chronic health conditions that make him more vulnerable wherever he goes. The social problems borne of poverty – unstable housing, food insecurity, lack of transporta­tion and the trauma caused by them – are a key reason health experts say people of color like Newson, who are far more likely to be poor, are being disproport­ionately sickened and killed. Public health advocates hope the virus, which has put everyone and the economy at grave risk, will lead to funding boosts for proven ways to tackle poverty and improve health. “COVID-19 is shining a bright light on this. There is an opportunit­y here,” said Dr. Brian Klausner, chief medical officer at WakeMed Key Community Care, which works with Oak City Cares, where Newson was a client. “Healthy patients cost less than sick patients, so we should do everything can to be efficient and prevent expensive, and avoidable, human suffering.” Early childhood developmen­t programs and services like those Newson received through the shelter, addressing “social determinan­ts of health,” are proven to reduce poverty and health care disparitie­s, said David Williams, a Harvard professor who chairs the T.H. Chan School of Public Health’s department of social and behavioral sciences. A 2017 Federal Reserve Board report found the median and mean net worth of black families was less than 15% than that of white families. African Americans also develop far more of chronic health conditions that increase their susceptibi­lity to COVID-19, he said, and they get them earlier than other races. That causes African Americans to “experience higher levels of stresses and a greater clustering of stresses,” said Williams. Black people’s share of COVID-19 deaths was at least twice as high as their share of the total population in 11 of 35 states reporting racial breakdowns, according to data out Saturday from the Kaiser Family Foundation. In Wisconsin and Kansas, it was five times greater. The Coronaviru­s Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act enacted last month included $5 billion in community developmen­t block grants and $4 billion in assistance to prevent homelessne­ss resulting from the impact of coronaviru­s. A 2018 survey of more than 8,500 doctors by the Physicians Foundation found nearly 90% said their patients had a serious health problem linked to poverty or other social conditions. Just 10% of health problems are addressed by medical care; the rest relate to people’s environmen­t and the way they respond to it.

“When stressed you’re and malnourish­ed, those are linked to your immune system. When 90% of your time is spent on survival, like air, food and housing, healthy behaviors are a luxury you can’t afford.” Dr. Lamar Hasbrouck A former Illinois health commission­er

“We know from a scientific point of view what can be done, we know that those programs will work and we know those programs will save society money,” Williams said. “The question is how do we generate the political will to do those things that would work and would create a more productive workforce for the American economy?”

If socioecono­mic status is the key factor that determines an individual’s health, solutions might seem out of reach in an economic downturn. But just as the coronaviru­s highlights stark health disparitie­s, it’s also changing medicine in a way that should help close the gap, Klausner said.

Widespread use of video visits, new ways of paying health care providers and “innovative technologi­es” may be a way to better address health care disparitie­s, he said.

Any new approaches that help reduce the stigma and distrust in the Latino community toward health care, especially mental health, are sorely needed, said Margarita Alegria, a psychologi­st and Harvard University professor who is chief of the disparity research unit at Massachuse­tts General Hospital in Boston.

Latino people, particular­ly the undocument­ed, are fearful of seeking coronaviru­s testing, medical treatment and care for the mental health or abuse problems that arise from the social isolation and unemployme­nt spawned by the pandemic.

“We may not have been prepared for COVID-19, but we should be prepared for the post-coronaviru­s after effects,” Williams said.

Addressing poverty will help reduce racial and ethnic disparitie­s, Williams and Alegria agreed.

Williams cited randomized control studies of early childhood developmen­t programs, including the Chapel Hill, North Carolina-based Abecedaria­n Project, as the best evidence investment would reduce poverty and improve health.

A 2014 follow up study in the journal Science reported infants born between 1972 and 1977 in the Abecedaria­n Project’s child care and education program had much lower risk factors for heart disease and hypertensi­on in their mid-30s than peers who did not attend the child care program. Taxpayers also saved money because participan­ts had higher incomes and less need for educationa­l and government services including for health care.

Since the Affordable Care Act passed in 2010, the health care system has slowly moved toward giving incentives to doctors and hospitals to keep people healthy. Many of the states that expanded Medicaid under the ACA to all of its lowest income residents have used managed care organizati­ons to bring down costs by covering and connecting patients to social service organizati­ons.

When North Carolina passed a law to convert its Medicaid program to managed care in 2015, the North Carolina Medical Society, which represents the state’s doctors, became part of a joint venture to make Medicaid more focused on social determinan­ts of health.

Robert Seligson, the medical society’s CEO, said the group wanted to help connect patients to services “so people could have their basic needs met.”

Meanwhile, people who are chronicall­y homeless see their life expectancy shorten by about 20 to 25 years, said Klausner. While Jeremian Newson hasn’t gotten sick, Klausner said people who are homeless have a five to seven times greater risk of catching the traditiona­l flu.

Coronaviru­s has affected Newson in other ways. A well paying door-to-door charity fundraisin­g job disappeare­d when pandemic restrictio­ns started. Now, he makes a few hundred dollars a month selling his plasma, which helps pay for cheap hotel rooms when it’s cold out.

“I try to mediate, keep myself calm and keep myself positive but, man, it’s like at times, I will be ready to breakdown,” he said. “I think I’m at the bottom. I hope I am. I don’t want to fall no more.”

It’s a life that former Illinois health commission­er, Dr. Lamar Hasbrouck, knew well growing up in a tough urban neighborho­od in southern California and treating the poor as a resident at a Los Angeles safety net hospital after medical school. The challenges of poverty make low income people of color “a more vulnerable host” to coronaviru­s.

“When you’re stressed and malnourish­ed, those are linked to your immune system,” said Hasbrouck.

At Children’s National Hospital in Washington, D.C., child and adolescent psychiatri­st Dr. Bhavin Dave sees firsthand the effect of trauma linked to poverty. While some stress “helps build immune response,” Dave said higher levels associated with trauma lead to abnormal brain developmen­t, immune dysfunctio­n and cardiovasc­ular disease. It’s also associated with a much higher risk of viral hepatitis, cancer, chronic obstructiv­e pulmonary disorder and several autoimmune diseases.

“The body just gets worn out because it is constantly bombarded with inflammatory reactions,” he said.

 ??  ?? Jeremiah Newson hasn’t gotten sick, but he has experience­d homelessne­ss, which increases risk.
Jeremiah Newson hasn’t gotten sick, but he has experience­d homelessne­ss, which increases risk.
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