The Oklahoman

Police: Norman officer's email violated policy

- By Tim Willert Staff writer

NORMAN—A Norman police officer violated department policy when he sent photos during an email discussion about the wear and main tenance of face masks, a spokeswoma­n told The Oklahoman on Tuesday.

Officer Jacob McDonough sent images from the movie “D jan go Unchained” of Ku Klux Klan members wearing hoods and carrying torches to about 250 department workers on May 15, prompting an internal investigat­ion.

“The investigat­ion into this incident has sustained an allegation of violation of department policy against the involved employee ,” spokeswoma­n Sarah Jensen said in a news release .“The process has now transition­ed into the disciplina­ry phase.”

Police Chief Kevin Foster has said McDonough could be fired for sending the images. The officer has been employed by the department since February 2018 and is not currently on leave.

Foster has said he was“very off ended” and“couldn't believe an officer had sent that out.”

McDonough a pol o - gized and said he “did not mean any dis respect at all,” according to a portion of the email discussion provided by the police department. Foster said some officers were having trouble with them ask sand raised concerns during the email discussion about “breathing and fitting right and staying on in the field.”

“This is the judgment of one officer sending a photo out l ike that,” Foster said at a news conference outside the police station May 19. “Regardless of what he was thinking, the inappropri­ateness of it and how it offends people is still there.”

The leader of the Norman Citizens Advisory Board (NC AB ), which reviewed McDonough's emails, called the investigat­ion“expeditiou­s and in accordance with policy.”

“Even though we are disappoint­ed that the NPD did not inform the public or the NCAB of the investigat­ion on May 7 ( when the officer was notified of his investigat­ion) we still fully maintain that NP D' s investigat­ive process was conducted quickly and due process was followed ,” Bruce

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