The Oklahoman

EU wants tech giants to do more to counter virus fake news

- By Lorne Cook The Associated Press

BRUSSELS — A senior European Union official warned online platforms like Google and Facebook on Wednesday to step up the fight against fake news coming notably from countries like China and Russia, but she praised the approach of Twitter for fact-checking a tweet by U.S. President Donald Trump.

Unveiling a plan to fight disinforma­tion linked to the coronaviru­s, European Commission Vice President Vera Jourova said she wants online tech com panies to provide far more detailed reports each month than currently on the action they are taking to prevent a fake news “infodemic.”

The EU comm issi on said that“foreign actors and certain third countries, in particular Russia and China” are flooding Europe with “targeted influence operations and disinforma­tion campaigns .” It cited dangerous misinforma­tion like claims that drinking bleach can cure the disease and that washing hands does not help prevent its spread.

“I' m afraid the disinforma­tion flow will continue,” Jourova said, adding that vaccinatio­n seems to be the next big topic subject to mi sinformati­on. She cited a study showing “that the willingnes­s in Germany to take up vaccinatio­n decreased by almost 20 percentage points in less than two months.”

The virus has infected 7.2 million people worldwide and killed nearly 412,000, about 180,000 of them in Europe, according to official figures tallied by Johns Hopkins University. The true toll is believed to be much higher because many people died without being tested.

Jourova praised those U.S. digital giants that agreed to extra scrutiny under a voluntary code of practice aimed at halting the spread of disinforma­tion linked to the virus, but she told reporters that this is just a first step and that“there is room for improvemen­t.”

“They have to open up and offer more evidence that the measures they have taken are working well. They also have to enable the public to identify new threats independen­tly. We invite them now to provide monthly reports with more granular informatio­n than ever before,” Jourova said.

She noted that shortvideo app TikTok would soon sign up to the disinforma­tion code of practice, launched in 2018.

While the comm issi on praised platforms for removing millions of misleading ads, some of which duped consumers into buying expensive or potentiall­y dangerous products, Jourova called on the companies “to provide monthly reports with more granular informatio­n than ever before.”

The reports should include what they're doing to promote reliable and authoritat­ive content, data on how they're highlighti­ng informatio­n from national and internatio­nal health agencies, steps they're taking to improve user awareness, and details about any social media manipulati­on the companies might find.

J ourova played down concerns that the EU commission, which proposes laws in the 27-nation bloc and ensures that they are enforced, plans to regulate misinforma­tion itself, saying: “I don't want to create a ministry of truth.”

But she praised the approach of Twitter last month, when it placed fact-check warnings on two tweets from Trump' s own account that called mail-in election ballots “fraudulent” and predicted problems with the November U.S. elections.

Under the tweets, there is now a link reading “Get the facts about mail-in ballots” that guides users to a Twitter “moments” page with fact checks and news stories about Trump's unsubstant­iated claims.

“I support the Twitter reaction to tweets of President Trump ,” J our ova told reporters. “They did not delete it. We all can see it. They provided fact checked informatio­n and promoted facts.”

The big U.S. tech companies, which have been filing monthly reports since February 2019 on progress eradicatin­g fake news in general from their platforms, said they supported the EU's new request for more detailed data on their work to limit virus-related disinforma­tion and advertisin­g.

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