The Oklahoman

Raw, unpeeled onions won’t prevent illness

- Katie Landeck

An old wives’ tale that keeping raw, unpeeled onions out will keep your family safe from illnesses such as the flu is making the rounds on Facebook.

The post has been circulatin­g for years, regularly resurfacin­g during bad flu seasons or during the H1N1 outbreak in 2009. A copy-and-paste shared by Teri Bloom, who said her grandmothe­r effectively treated her colds and fevers with onions, gained traction.

The post says that during the flu pandemic in 1919, an unnamed doctor discovered a healthy family that had set out unpeeled onions that “absorbed the bacteria,” keeping the family healthy. The post claims that more recently, an unnamed hairdresse­r used unpeeled onions successful­ly in her shop. The post talks about a friend using onion to treat pneumonia.

“I came across an article that said to cut both ends off an onion, put it into an empty jar, and place the jar next to the sick patient at night,” the post says. “It said the onion would be black in the morning from the germs ... sure enough, it happened just like that ... the onion was a mess and I began to feel better.”

The post does not specifically talk about COVID-19.

The post claims onions can cause food poisoning as they are a “magnet” for bacteria.

Onions as a folk remedy

Leaving unpeeled onions out has been cited as a folk remedy since at least the 1500s, according to a Snopes fact check in 2009 on a similar post. It’s so common a legend that it’s even slipped into an episode of “The Simpsons.”

Fact checks by Snopes, The Wall Street Journal and The Associated Press found no scientific evidence that onions filter the air.

“There is no scientific evidence that a cut raw onion absorbs germs or rids the air of toxins/poisons,” the National Onion Associatio­n says on its website.

“In fact, the onion’s own juices are antimicrob­ial, which means they will fight bacteria rather than attract it,” the trade group says.

It points out cold and flu viruses are primarily spread by contact, “not by floating in the air where the onion can supposedly attract or destroy them.”

Health benefits of onions

Onions do have some medicinal and pharmacolo­gical uses recognized by the World Health Organizati­on. Onion tea is listed in WHO literature as a way to help with a runny nose.

The WHO points to four scientific articles over the years in which onions were found to kill pathogens related to food poisoning, a claim that the National Onion Associatio­n makes as well.

“The Center for Food Safety at the University of Georgia states that juice released from cut onion is known to kill or inhibit the growth of several types of microorgan­isms, including some of those capable of causing food poisoning in humans,” the trade group says.

Our rating: False

Though onions have recognized health benefits, there is no scientific evidence that an unpeeled onion can absorb germs and protect from viruses or bacteria. It’s also false that onions are a magnet for food poisoning. Our fact check work is supported in part by a grant from Facebook.

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