The Oklahoman

Mississipp­i furls rebel-themed flag

- By Emily Wagster Pettus

JACKSON, Miss. — Mississipp­i officials held a ceremony Wednesday to retire the former state flag and send it to a history museum, a day after Republican Gov. Tate Reeves signed a law stripping official status from the last state banner in the U.S. that included the Confederat­e battle emblem.

One person watching with pride was a history-making former lawmaker whose grandfathe­r was a slave.

Robert Clark in 1967 became the first African American since Reconstruc­tion to win a seat in the Mississipp­i Legislatur­e, and he rose to the second-highest leadership spot during his 36 years in the House. For decades, he tried to persuade colleagues that Mississipp­i should change the flag that many see as racist. But, people weren't ready to listen before he left office.

Now 91, Clark said Wednesday that as he watched the flag being handed over to the museum, he thought about his grandfathe­r, who was forced to go barefoot and eat from a trough before being released from slavery at age 11.

“That's why I fought to get the flag changed — because the flag represente­d that, so far as I was concerned,” Clark said after the ceremony.

Mississipp­i faced increasing pressure in recent weeks to change its 126-year-old flag since protests against racial injustice have focused attention on Confederat­e symbols.

A broad coalition of legislator­s on Sunday passed the landmark legislatio­n to retire the flag, capping a weekend of emotional debate and decades of effort by Black lawmakers and others who see the rebel emblem as a symbol of hatred.

Reeves signed the bill Tuesday, immediatel­y removing official status from the banner. The new law requires a ceremony for the “prompt, dignified and respectful removal” of the banner.

Three flags flying at the Capitol were lowered Wednesday as dozens of people watched on the lawn or from open windows inside the building. Many applauded after honor guard members from the National Guard and the Mississipp­i Highway Patrol presented them to House Speaker Philip Gunn, Lt. Gov. Delbert Hosemann and state Department of Archives and History director Katie Blount.

Police cars with flashing blue lights escorted a vehicle that took the officials, and the flags, to the nearby Museum of Mississipp­i History. The museum will put one flag in an exhibit and two into archives.

“We have much to be proud of and much to reckon with,” said Gunn, who has advocated changing the flag the past five years. “This flag has flown over our best and our worst. Some flew it over their bravery to defend their homeland. And for others, it's been a shadow over their struggle to be free.”

Mississipp­i will be without a flag for a while A commission will design a new one that cannot include the Confederat­e symbol and must have the words “In God We Trust.” Voters will be asked to approve the design in the Nov. 3 election. If they reject it, the commission will draft a different design using the same guidelines, to be sent to voters later.

 ?? [ROGELIO V. SOLIS/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS] ?? A Mississipp­i Highway Safety Patrol honor guard carefully folds the retired Mississipp­i state flag after it was raised over the Capitol grounds one final time Wednesday in Jackson, Miss.
[ROGELIO V. SOLIS/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS] A Mississipp­i Highway Safety Patrol honor guard carefully folds the retired Mississipp­i state flag after it was raised over the Capitol grounds one final time Wednesday in Jackson, Miss.

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