The Oklahoman


- — John 9:34 L.G. Parkhurst Jr. Send email to lgp@ prayerstep­

“The Pharisees answered him, `You were born entirely in sins, and are you trying to teach us?' And they drove him out.”

When the Pharisees told the man that Jesus healed to give glory to God, they wanted him to tell them the truth. But they wanted him to give glory to God as they understood God instead of giving any glory to Jesus, the Son of God, who healed the man. In Joshua 7:19, we see how Joshua asked Achan, the thief, to tell the truth, “My son, give glory to the LORD God of Israel and make confession to him. Tell me now what you have done; do not hide it from me.” Joshua had a right to know and learn the truth from Achan. Joshua used “give glory to God,” as courts sometimes require a witness to swear that they will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. The Pharisees remained spirituall­y blind, while the formerly blind man could see clearly physically and spirituall­y. The Pharisees proved they did not know and love God because despite all the evidence before them from reliable witnesses and from the truthful testimony of Jesus, they refused to glorify God. Instead of giving God the glory, the Pharisees said they knew Jesus, the Son of God, was a sinner. They called Jesus a sinner because Jesus obeyed His Father and the Law of God, not the laws and traditions of the Pharisees that invalidate­d the Law of Love. In their unloving spiritual blindness, they never praised God for the miraculous healing of the man born blind nor did they tell the man they were pleased he had regained his eyesight. They only saw him as a sinner.

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