The Oklahoman

Residents flee as Gulf Coast sees possible tandem hurricanes

- By Rebecca Santana, Jeff Martin and Seth Borenstein The Associated Press

NEW ORLEANS— The Gulf Coast braced Sunday for a potentiall­y devastatin­g hit from twin hurricanes as two strong storms swirled toward the U.S from the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean. Officials feared a history-making onslaught of lifethreat­ening winds and flooding along the coast, stretching from Texas to Alabama.

A storm dubbed Marco grew into a hurricane Sunday as it churned up the Gulf of Mexico toward Louisiana. Another potential hurricane, Tropical Storm Laura, lashed the Dominican Republic and Haiti, and was tracking toward the same region of the U.S. coast, carrying the risk of growing into a far more powerful storm.

Experts said computer models show Laura could make landfall with winds exceeding 110 mph, and the overlappin­g storms could bring 2 feet of rain to south-central portions of Louisiana.

“There has never been anything we' ve seen like this before, where you can have possibly two hurricanes hitting within miles of each over a 48-hour period,” said Benjamin Schott, meteorolog­ist in charge of the National Weather Service' s Slide ll, Louisiana, office.

The prospect of piggybacke­d hurricanes was reviving all-too-fresh memories of damage caused by Hurricane Katrina, which struck the Gulf Coast on Aug. 29, 2005. The storm has been blamed for as many as 1,800 deaths and levee breaches in New Orleans led to catastroph­ic flooding.

“What we know is there's going to be storm surge f rom Marco, we know that that water is not going to recede hardly at all before Laura hits, and so we've not seen this before and that's why people need to be paying particular attention ,” Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards war ne data Sunday briefing.

Along the main drag on the barrier island of Grand Isle, south of New Orleans, Starfish Restaurant manager Nicole Fantiny could see an exodus of people driving off the island.

“They are all packing up and leaving,” she said.

Fan tiny wasn't planning to leave, at least for Marco, but she was anxious about the possible one-two punch from both storms. Her husband works with the town' s fire and police department­s, so she said they are always among the last ones to leave.

“My house was built in 1938 so I think we' re good ,” she said hopefully.

Marco is expected to dance above and below hurricane status over the next day and a half after hitting the 75 mph-wind mark Sunday afternoon.

“The central Gulf could be really under the gun between Marco and Laura in back-to-b ac ksuccessio­n,'' said Colorado State University hurricane researcher Phil Klotzbach. “Certainly both of these storms can impact New Orleans significan­tly. It just remains to be seen if the track for Laura tracks a bit to the west.”

University of Miami hurricane researcher Brian McNoldy warned that anyone in New Orleans should be alarmed by the threat. At issue from possible dual hits: whether the levee system can withstand the stress, he said.

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