The Oklahoman

COVID-19 misconcept­ions leave many with questions

- Jorge L. Ortiz

Medical researcher­s are constantly learning new informatio­n about the coronaviru­s, leading to improved treatments and practices. At the same time, many questions remain unanswered, such as whether those who get infected develop immunity and, if so, for how long.

More concerning for public health experts is the abundance of misinforma­tion about COVID-19, fueled in part by what they say are mixed messages from the federal government. On Monday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention officially recognized airborne transmissi­on of the virus after briefly acknowledg­ing in September what the scientific community had been arguing for months, then taking down the guidance from its website days later.

Misconcept­ions about the potential severity of a disease that often doesn’t manifest any symptoms and the belief that it only threatens old, infirm f olks are among the notions medical profession­als want to dispel.

USA TODAY spoke to some of them seeking to clarify some common doubts:

Is 6 feet really a safe distance to stand apart from others?

That’s more a rule of thumb than a hard-and-fast instructio­n. Much the determinat­ion depends on the level of ventilatio­n and whether people are wearing masks. Six feet apart from others is generally safe outside, but not always inside.

“Under certain conditions, particular­ly indoors and in areas with poor airflow around unmasked people infected with COVID-19, the virus can be transmitte­d via an airborne route via socalled aerosols (very fine particles suspended in air),’’ said Dr. Benjamin Singer, pulmonary and critical care specialist at Northweste­rn Memorial Hospital in Chicago. “These particles can hang in the air and transmit over distances greater than six feet.’’

What type of face masks should the general public use?

Surgical masks, which are inexpensiv­e and readily available, and cloth masks made of thick cotton are effective at limiting the virus’ spread. They provide some protection for the wearers but more for those around them. Neck gaiters and masks made of stretchy fabric are not considered as effe ct iv eat preventing the spread of infectious droplets.

Is it safe to dine at restaurant­s while sitting indoors?

Experts still consider it risky, despite measures such as limiting the number of diners and keeping them distanced.

“One of the biggest risks with indoor dining is everyone has their masks off, and if the ventilatio­n isn’t great, you can get sick,’’ said Dr. Eric Cioe-Peña, director of Global Health at Northwell Health in New Hyde Park, New York, and an emergency room physician, adding that he would eat at restaurant outdoors but not indoors.

Does sanitizing door handles and high-touch surfaces make a difference?

Not much. Cioe-Peña calls it “mostly theater,’’ pointing out there are limited circumstan­ces under which people can get infected from those surfaces.

Said Singer: “Available data do not point toward surfaces as major transmitte­rs of infection, although routine sanitation of high-touch surfaces still makes common sense.’’

Can I get together safely with family and friends?

Yes, but preferably outdoors, in small groups and taking precaution­s. Dr. Peter Chin-Hong, a professor of medicine at the University of California-San Francisco who specialize­s in infectious diseases, said there should be plenty of sanitizer available in those gatherings, and members of each household should stick together and maintain distance from the other groups.

“It’s fine to have a barbecue if you do it in a modest way and think about these risk aspects of keeping the pods apart from each other,’’ he said.

Is it safe to ride elevators?

For the most part, as long as they’re not crowded and everyone is wearing masks. Because they’re confined spaces with little air flow, it’s best not to spend a lot of time in them. Getting stuck in an elevator for a long stretch could be risky.

What measures should I take when going to the grocery store?

“Masks and physical distancing are important,’’ Singer said, “as is following traffic patterns in the store.’’

Should I use mass transit, and under what conditions?

“Under almost no conditions would I use mass transit, unless it was a trolley in San Francisco outdoors and standing outside,’’ CioePeña said. “I would treat a subway car as a hot zone and would want to wear full PPE (personal protective equipment). I think it’s really high risk, because you have prolonged transit time and bad air circulatio­n.’’

But he endorsed riding in cars – including ride-hailing services like Uber – with all windows open and everyone wearing masks.

“Under certain conditions ... the virus can be transmitte­d via an airborne route via so-called aerosols (very fine particles suspended in air).”

Dr. Benjamin Singer Pulmonary and critical care specialist at Northweste­rn Memorial Hospital in Chicago

Should I send my kids back to school?

“Local guidelines and local infection patterns/outbreaks are key in answering that question,’’ Singer said. “Regardless, masks and physical distancing, outdoors when possible, are important measures to limit viral spread among children.’’

Cioe-Peña noted that even though young people typically don’t develop severe COVID-19 symptoms, there’s increasing data that shows children 9 and older and college-age adults can be disease vectors. He said his kids are attending school outdoors and that when it gets cold later in the year, “they’re either going to school remotely or be doing math problems in the snow.’’

Can I go to the gym?

That’s a tough call, made easier if the gym’s outdoors. Many of the indoor ones have made efforts to improve their ventilatio­n and require masks and physical distancing, so those are factors in the decision. If having others in your vicinity huffing and puffing is a source of concern, outdoor exercise may be a better option.

Should I still avoid bars?

Yes, and even outdoors they’re not a great idea because bar patrons tend to remove their masks and get careless about distancing.

“The tricky thing with bars is alcohol is the root of all mistakes, right?’’ Cioe-Peña said. “You’re less likely to respect the social distancing with bars. I’m not excited about them. Their social function is antithetic­al to the containmen­t of the coronaviru­s. That’s the big issue.’’

 ?? KENZO TRIBOUILLA­RD/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES ?? One doctor says he would avoid bars because alcohol might cause some patrons to make poor safety decisions.
KENZO TRIBOUILLA­RD/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES One doctor says he would avoid bars because alcohol might cause some patrons to make poor safety decisions.

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