The Oklahoman


- — L.G. Parkhurst Jr. Send email to lgp@ prayerstep­

“His disciples did not understand these things at first; but when Jesus was glorified, then they remembered that these things had been written of him and had been done to him.”

John 12:16.

At first, many of us did not understand the Bible or Jesus' teachings or the meaning of Jesus' actions. Jesus' first disciples were like us. Like them at first, we began by knowing and believing enough to know that Jesus is a person whose teachings are worth trying to follow. Then, we learned that Jesus did far more for us and the world than teach us truths that transform lives and enable believers to live a life worth living in this world. We learned that Jesus came into the world to be more than a teacher of ethics, a good moral example, or a positive thinker. Jesus came into the world to be glorified, but not as this world glorifies super achievers in areas this world admires. God glorified Jesus when He appeared to be a failure, when He was mocked, flogged, and lifted up on a cross. God glorified His Son when He sent Jesus to die as a sacrifice for our sins, so God could extend mercy and the offer of forgivenes­s to everyone who would believe in Jesus. Then, God glorified Jesus when He rose from the dead and began giving His followers the assurance of eternal life, freedom from slavery to sin and evil, and a life of loving relationsh­ips with God and others. Now, when difficulti­es arise in the lives of Jesus' followers, the Holy Spirit helps them remember the Bible's teachings that they have studied, and the Holy Spirit gives them the courage and power to live victorious­ly during their trials and troubles.

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