The Oklahoman

Man charged with threatenin­g to kill Biden celebrants

- Ryan W. Miller

NEW YORK – A New York City man was arrested Tuesday and is facing federal charges after he allegedly made death threats against people celebratin­g President-elect Joe Biden’s victory.

Brian Maiorana, 54, of Staten Island allegedly posted threats on social media before and after the election calling for violence, made anti-Semitic threats toward Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and threatened to “blow up the FBI building for real.”

Maiorana’s posts “called for violence against our entire community. ... His alleged threats are disturbing and far outside of acceptable norms, but they also violated federal law,” FBI Assistant Director-inCharge William Sweeney said in a statement.

Maiorana was held without bail on Tuesday after a remote hearing in federal court in Brooklyn. According to prosecutor­s, a firearm was found at the man’s home, which violated restrictio­ns he faced as a registered sex offender after a felony sexual assault conviction in Pennsylvan­ia. Maiorana’s attorney, James Darrow, said he would seek bail for his client and declined to comment further.

According to a criminal complaint unsealed Tuesday, Maiorana began making the threats in September but bought parts for a semiautoma­tic handgun over the summer. In 2018, he bought a crossbow, combat boots and military patches, the complaint says. In October, Maiorana posted that “pipe bombs need to be thrown into these mobs of potentiall­y non violent violent protesters,” and, last Thursday, that “the carnage needs to come in the form of exterminat­ion of anyone that claims to be Democrat … as well as their family members,” the complaint says.

In a post Sunday, Maiorana allegedly referenced “The Turner Diaries,” a book written by the founder of a neo-Nazi group and called the “bible of the racist right,” according the Southern Poverty Law Center. The work depicts a fictitious revolution against the federal government and ensuing race war, prosecutor­s say.

He also posted a call Sunday for people to kill those in the crowds that had gathered after Democrat Joe Biden was forecast to win the election. “All right thinking people need to hit the streets while these scumbags are celebratin­g and start blowing them away,” the post read, according to the complaint.

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