The Oklahoman

Biden hopes virus deal is glimpse of deal-making to come

- By Andrew Taylor

WASHINGTON — For President-elect Joe Biden, Washington' s year-end burst of deal-making brought renewed hope for a productive, successful first 100 days in office.

The city's fever broke, at least momentaril­y, as longtime combatants finally forged a COVID-19 relief deal that carried with it dozens of smaller bills, offering proof that Capitol Hill's damaged systems and norms can still produce meaningful legislatio­n — at least when backed up against the wall.

Most of Biden's 36 years in the Senate came in an era when Washington functioned far better. As president he will be seeking to restore at least the veneer of good faith and bipartisan­ship that defined those times and cast aside the divisions of the tea party era and four years of President Donald Trump.

In that context, the yearend deal — powered by the imperative to deliver pandemic relief to a struggling nation — is a good omen. At the end, it featured good-faith negotiatio­n among Capitol Hill's skilled but battling leaders as well as a productive role for moderates and pragmatist­s in both parties whose efforts are often brushed aside.

“We have our first hint and glimpse of bipartisan­ship,” Biden said Tuesday. “In this election, the American people made it clear they want us to reach across the aisle and work together.”

The demand for bipartisan­ship is a common refrain that often comes as a throwaway line from Washington pols who have little experience in delivering it. But Biden has made it the centerpiec­e of his transition message — and he has a track record in the Senate and in the Obama administra­tion of following through.

He also has no choice. The election delivered Democrats the narrowest House majority of the modern age and a narrowly divided Senate that demands bipartisan­ship, even if Democrats win control of a 50-50 chamber after next month's twin Georgia runoff elections. Biden said there is much more work to do and spoke optimistic­ally of lawmakers coming together again in January or February to pass another package — and the template for success is there.

There are few measures of success greater than a big, bipartisan vote. By that metric, the 5,593-page, end-of-session behemoth — combining a $900 billion COVID-19 relief deal, a $1.4 trillion catchall spending bill, and dozens of late-session add-ons — was a smash hit. The 92-6 Senate vote and a pair of lopsided House tallies on the final bill came after months of indecision and deadlock were replaced with frenzied dealcuttin­g and compromise.

Yet t here are t hose i n Biden's party deeply skeptical that bipartisan­ship can take root in such a starkly polarized country. Republican­s are certain to feel the pull of their far-right flank in the coming era, shifting the party to a debt-and-deficits focus that may well be incompatib­le with much of Biden's agenda.

And then there's the Capitol itself. The pain-inducing process that led to the final virus package offered almost daily lessons in Congress' capacity for dysfunctio­n and wheelspinn­ing. And enormous power remains concentrat­ed in the hands of only a few leaders.

Top Republican­s, like Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., who will be a critical power broker during Biden's first two years in office, credited Biden with getting Democratic leaders such as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., to accept a bill that was smaller than those she rejected in the summer and fall.

“The new president was helpful in suggesting that we ought to go ahead now and I think that may have had an impact on the speaker,” McConnell told reporters Monday.

Bid en and McConnell have a long relationsh­ip and worked out several deals on taxes and spending during President Barack Obama's first term. The polarizati­on of the parties and the scorched-earth politics of the past decade won't make that success easy to replicate, but Biden is all-in.

“They know I level with them,” Biden said of Republican­s. “They know I never mislead. They know I tell them the truth, and they know I don't go out of my way to try to embarrass.”

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