The Oklahoman

Q&A with Santa

Answers to kids’ COVID-19- related holiday questions

- Contact April Barton at abarton@free or 802-660-1854. Follow her on Twitter @aprildbart­on.

Editor’s note: This story is appropriat­e for children’s eyes. It’s also a resource for adults who want to help children understand how Santa will do his job despite the pandemic.

Burlington Free Press: Can you explain why children might not be able to see you out and about and sit on your lap and take pictures like in years past?

Like with everything in life, there are things that we don’t understand. There are diseases that happen that we just can’t figure out. COVID-19 is one of those. Everyone is being very cautious. To make sure everyone is safe and healthy, we’re trying to limit our exposure to this disease. Doesn’t mean you’re going to get it, doesn’t mean you’re going to get hurt from it, but we’ve got to be careful. And because of that we’re not gonna be out as often as we were and we may not be able to sit and cuddle like we used to. But, we can still talk, and Christmas can still be good. And, besides – and I’m patting myself right smack in the middle of my chest – it’s what’s in here that matters most. How are we treating the people around us, what are we doing to help make somebody else’s day brighter because they met us. As long as we do that, then the Christmas spirit will remain alive. Remember it’s not about me, it’s not about you – it’s about the people around us and how we can help make their lives better.

BFP: How are you and Mrs. Claus, the elves and reindeer doing? Have you remained healthy? Have any of you caught the novel coronaviru­s?

We have been healthy. Santa has been doing his absolute best to stay healthy, and practice healthy things, to make sure he doesn’t get sick for Christmas.

Mrs. Claus is healthy as a horse, as always. And as far as the elves are concerned, we’re all wearing our masks and doing our social distancing while working.

And, of course, the reindeer don’t get it.

BFP: Will you still be delivering presents to children all across the world this year?

Well that’s Santa’s job. Some things will continue to happen. Now, you may not have a chance to sneak up on and catch Santa this time around. But, Santa will be there. Santa’s going to be a whole lot quicker than before. And, may have to travel a little bit lighter, so there may not be as many things under the Christmas tree this year. But, what things are there are gonna be awesome.

BFP: If Grandma can’t come to visit for the holidays this year, is it still safe for you to come down the chimney and leave presents?

Dr. Fauci has said Santa is immune to COVID-19. But, Santa is also very wise and pragmatic. He takes a careful and logical approach to his health and is respectful of the health of those he goes to visit. There is no need to hide, or be afraid just as there is no need to be careless and unsafe.

So, as he would do to protect himself from any disease, whether it be heart disease, cancer, the flu, and yes, even COVID-19, Santa will do his best to reduce the risk factors that may contribute to his getting it or giving it to someone else. To that end Santa will be sure to wear proper PPE when he is likely to be exposed to COVID-19, he will sanitize himself, his clothes, and his magical tools between visits, and, of course, he will make sure that he himself has not been exposed to, or infected by, the disease before heading out on Christmas Eve to deliver the presents.

But there is one thing he has been doing ever since he began delivering gifts on Christmas Eve. … Have you ever noticed that he will only stop by to make his delivery after everyone has gone to sleep? That’s right, Santa is the original Social Distancer! Waiting until everyone is asleep in their beds is not only about protecting the secrets of his magical visit!

That’s why it will be so much more important this year for everyone to be in bed, sleeping peacefully and without fear knowing that this year!

BFP: Is there anything a family can do to prepare their house for your arrival to ensure your safety? Should families still leave treats for you?

As much as I would enjoy the snacks, don’t worry about them. Sit down and have them with your family. Leave Santa a little card or a note or something just saying hi.

Of course, wipe down the door knobs, wipe down the chimney. Sanitize as you want, but Santa travels with his own hand sanitizer and he’ll be in and out in a flash.

BFP: Anything else you’d like to share?

This too shall pass. History is full of these things, and the question is how we get through it. Children who are afraid, talk to your parents. Find a trusted adult to confide in if needed.

It’s going to be hard to meet with Santa Claus and talk with Santa, but I know a lot of kids will talk with Santa. Do not be afraid. Be cautious, be concerned – but there’s no need to be afraid.

If I can get that message across this year, then I will have succeeded.

Santa is timeless. Santa has seen a lot of things come and go, and the one constant is how we serve others and help make others’ lives better. And when we do that individual­ly, when we take care of somebody else, it’s amazing how the world just comes together.

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