The Oklahoman

HHS nominee: Pandemic comes first, but agenda is broader

- By Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar

WASHINGTON — Health secretary nominee Xavier Becerra told senators Tuesday that confrontin­g the coronaviru­s pandemic will be his first priority if confirmed, but he also pledged to expand health insurance, rein in prescripti­on drug costs and reduce racial and ethnic disparitie­s in medical care.

“To meet this moment, we need strong federal leadership,” Becerra said at the first of two hearings on his nomination. “I understand the enormous challenges before us and our solemn responsibi­lity to faithfully steward this agency that touches almost every aspect of our lives.”

Be c err a now serves as California's attorney general and previously represente­d the Los Angeles area for more than 20 years in the U.S. House. A liberal politician-lawyer, he faces opposition from many GOP senators, who question his support for abortion rights and government- run health insurance, along with his lack of a clinical background. However, in the past 25 years, only one medical doctor has l ed the Department of Health and Human Services in a permanent capacity.

Appearing before t he Senate health committee, Be c err a seconded President Joe Bid en' s goals of 100 million vaccine shots in his first 100 days, increased coronaviru­s testing, ramped-up DNA mapping of the virus to track worrisome mutations and reopening schools and businesses.

On health insurance, he pledged to work to expand the Obama-era Affordable Care Act, though in the past he' s supported a government-run system like Sen. Bernie Sanders' “Medicare for All” idea. He said he would act to lower drug prices, particular­ly the cost of insulin. It's a goal that has bipartisan backing. Republican Sen. Mike Braun of Indiana noted that Becerra seems to have no drug industry support, adding, “I think I know why.”

Although leading Republican­s are portraying Be c err a as unfit, Democrats seem unfazed about his prospects, accusing the GOP of playing politics despite the urgency of dealing with the coronaviru­s pandemic.

Fol l owing Tuesday's appearance before the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, Becerra will be questioned Wednesday by the Finance Committee, which will vote on sending his nomination to the Senate floor. If confirmed, he'd be the first Latino to head HHS, a $1.4 trillion agency with abroad portfolio that includes health insurance programs, drug safety and approvals, advanced medical research and the welfare of children.

Sen. Richard Burr of North Carolina, t he

ranking Republican on the health committee, left no doubt that Becerra faces tough scrutiny.

“I'm not sold yet,” Burr said at Tuesday's hearing, looking straight at the nominee. “I'm not sure that you have the necessary experience or skills to do this job at this moment.” Burr questioned whether Becerra respects the role of private companies in the health care system, particular­ly innovative pharmaceut­ical firms.

But other Republican senators side stepped ideologica­l confrontat­ion and asked questions that centered on home state concerns. Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala., made a reference to“when” Be c err a is confirmed, not“if .” And Sen. Lisa Murk ow ski, R-Alaska, said she would encourage him to visit her state early.

Becerra sought to soften his image as an enemy of drug companies. “We need t he pharmaceut­ical industry in America to always feel like we've got their back to innovate,” he told Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn. “COVID is a perfect example of how we can come up with a vaccine, but we have to make sure that we're getting our dollar's worth.”

 ?? VIA THE ASSOCIATED PRESS] ?? Xavier Becerra speaks during his confirmati­on hearing to be secretary of health and human services before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee on Tuesday on Capitol Hill in Washington. [LEIGH VOGEL/POOL
VIA THE ASSOCIATED PRESS] Xavier Becerra speaks during his confirmati­on hearing to be secretary of health and human services before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee on Tuesday on Capitol Hill in Washington. [LEIGH VOGEL/POOL

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