The Oklahoman

Public safety a top issue in Detroit

Poll: Residents say it outweighs police reform

- Susan Page, Dana Afana, Jasmin Barmore, Sam Fogel and Janelle James

Amid a jump in violent crime in this and other cities nationwide, Detroit residents report being much more worried about public safety than about police misconduct, a new USA TODAY/Suffolk University/Detroit Free Press Poll finds.

By an overwhelmi­ng 9-1, they would feel safer with more cops on the street, not fewer. While a third complain that Detroit police use force when it isn’t necessary – and Black men report high rates of racial profiling – those surveyed reject by 3-1 the slogan of some progressiv­es to “defund the police.”

“It’s scary sitting in the house, and when you go outside to the gas station or the store, it’s possible someone will be shooting right next to you,” said Charlita Bell, 41, a lifelong Detroit resident who was among those called in the poll. Last year when her car was hit by stray bullets during a shopping trip, she hurried home rather than wait for the police for fear the shooter might return.

“It’s always some random shootings,” said Rita Gibbs, 70, who is so distressed she hates to turn on the news these days. “I just can’t stand it.”

The Detroit survey was the second in a series called CityView, a project by the USA TODAY Network and the Suffolk University Political Research Center exploring attitudes of the residents in major American cities toward policing, public safety and community. The first poll, taken in Milwaukee last month, found broad dissatisfa­ction with law enforcemen­t practices there.

The murder of George Floyd in Minneapoli­s last year by a then-police officer and other examples of brutality toward Black people, some of them caught on cellphone video, have caused massive protests demanding police accountabi­lity and a reckoning on race. But growing concern about a sharp rise in murders and shootings across the country last year is also threaded through the national debate about law enforcemen­t and criminal justice.

In Detroit, one in five residents (19%) cited public safety as the biggest issue facing the city, second only to education, named by 23%. On a list of eight concerns, police reform ranked last, at 4%.

The poll found a significant racial divide on the issue. Black residents ranked crime at the top of their list of concerns: 24% cited public safety, just 3% police reform.

But white residents were a bit more concerned about police reform than public safety, 12% compared with 10%. Education was by far the biggest issue on their minds, named by 31%.

“I think the Detroit police are representa­tive of most if not all police organizati­ons in the United States, in which they structural­ly contain behaviors that encourage racism and white supremacy,” said Justin Fenwick, 35, a real estate agent. “It’s hard to look at a police department and say they’re doing a good job.”

The poll of 500 adults, taken July 1317 by landline and cellphone, has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.4 percentage points. The survey included all residents of Detroit, not just registered or likely voters.

Black men were twice as likely as Black women to report having been stopped and questioned by police investigat­ing crimes, 38% compared with 17%. What’s more, Black men were twice as likely as Black women to say they weren’t satisfied with how police handled the encounter, 46% compared with 20%.

Among Black men and Black women, half said they were treated differently because of their race, and most agreed their treatment was worse. But while nine of the 208 Black women polled said they were treated better because of their race, not one of the 155 Black men said they had been treated better.

“The differences in opinion of the police along gender lines within the Black community potentiall­y reflect the difference­s in the daily lives of Black men and women,” said David Paleologos, director of Suffolk’s Political Research Center. “Many would argue that this harsher feeling toward police stems from a daily routine of black men being on guard from the very moment they leave their house.”

Race relations were cited by just 5% as the leading issue facing Detroit, which has the highest proportion of Black residents of any large American city. In 2019, the U.S. Census Bureau estimated that 78.3% of Detroit’s population of 670,000 people were African American, 14.7% white, 1.8% two or more races.

In comparison, race relations ranked near the top of concerns in the CityView poll in Milwaukee, which has a population that is 44% white, 39% Black and 4% two or more races.

In Detroit, those surveyed found news accounts depicting police misconduct and racism across the country credible. By 2-1, 64% to 26%, they didn’t think the news media was exaggerati­ng those stories. In a USA TODAY/Ipsos Poll this month, a plurality, 46% to 34%, said they believed the stories were exaggerate­d.

“People are more aware,” said Wanda Jan Chris Hill, 71, a retired city employee who is Black. “Everywhere you look people are getting killed. We know there’s a history of harm against African Americans. We’re tired.”

Detroit residents gave middling grades to the city’s police department. Seven percent called its performanc­e excellent, 33% good, 43% fair and 15% poor. That means a 58% majority rated local law enforcemen­t as mediocre or worse.

That said, they also rely on the police. Eight in 10 would be likely to ask a police officer for help if they needed it. Even more, 87%, would be likely to provide informatio­n to the police about a crime they had witnessed.

When it comes to equitable treatment of different races, they gave the Detroit Police Department high marks.

More than three-fourths of those surveyed, 77%, agreed with a statement that the Detroit police “generally do a good job and treat people fairly, even if there are a few bad apples on the force.”

Only 16% said the police are “racist in the way they treat people, even if some of them try to do a good job.”

“I feel like they’re one of us; they’re not some invading force,” said Kenneth Wolfe, 74, a retired landlord. “This is a society that is based on law and order. If you don’t have people there to support law and order, then you don’t have a society. They’re the enforcemen­t of law and order.”

 ?? BILL PUGLIANO/GETTY IMAGES ?? Eight in 10 Detroit residents would be likely to ask a police officer for help if they needed it, according to a recent research poll.
BILL PUGLIANO/GETTY IMAGES Eight in 10 Detroit residents would be likely to ask a police officer for help if they needed it, according to a recent research poll.

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