The Oklahoman

Does natural infection or vaccinatio­n provide more protection against COVID?

- Karen Weintraub

Many people have caught COVID-19 over the past 20 months, despite their best efforts, or because they didn’t take enough precaution­s against the coronaviru­s.

Data is just starting to emerge about how protected they may be against another infection.

As with most illnesses, contractin­g COVID-19 provides immune “memory” that helps protect against a future infection. But it’s still unclear how sick a person has to get with COVID-19 to develop enough immune memory to be protective and for how long. That’s why the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends even people who have had COVID-19 get vaccinated against it.

A growing body of research suggests infection plus vaccinatio­n provides the strongest protection against a wide range of variants, possibly for a long time.

People who were infected and then vaccinated some months later have “what’s called ‘hybrid immunity,’ which is like super-immunity,” said Warner Greene, a virologist at the Gladstone Institute in San Francisco.

This combined protection seems to last a long time, according to a new study in the journal Science. It may last far longer than vaccinatio­n alone, he said, though that hasn’t been proven yet.

Greene warns against seeking out infection to get such good protection, though. Severe disease is no fun and can strike anyone.

Infectious disease expert Dr. Monica Gandhi said public health officials too often downplay the protection provided by infection.

“To deny natural immunity does not generate trust,” said Gandhi, an infectious disease expert at the University of California, San Francisco and San Francisco General Hospital.

Getting vaccinated three months – or even better, six months – after infection provides the best possible protection, she said. But adding a second shot offers almost no additional benefit over the first, nor do people who have been fully vaccinated and infected need a booster at this point.

“If you’re naturally immune, get one dose,” Gandhi said.

In a new study from the Rockefelle­r Institute in New York, researcher­s found that people who get vaccinated after catching COVID-19 may be protected against a wider range of variants than people who get vaccinated alone.

Still, said Theodora Hatziioann­ou, an author on the study, if you have to pick one, go with vaccinatio­n.

Shots, she said, lead to higher levels of neutralizi­ng antibodies, naturally made substances that fight an infection. Neutralizi­ng antibodies wane with time, so the more you start out with, the better.

“At five-six months post-vaccinatio­n or infection,” she said, “the vaccinated participan­ts had overall higher levels of neutralizi­ng antibodies than the infected, including against variants.”

Unanswered questions

There are still open questions when it comes to natural immunity and the protection it affords.

It’s not clear, for instance, how soon someone can get infected with COVID-19 a second time.

The CDC “is actively working to learn more about reinfectio­n to inform public health action,” according to spokespers­on Kristen Nordlund. “This is a priority area of research for CDC.”

For young, healthy people, an infection may provide 80% to 90% protection against a reinfectio­n, she said. But in older adults and those who are immunocomp­romised, an infection may be less protective.

In Denmark, for instance, of nearly 12,000 people who tested positive during the first wave of coronaviru­s infections last year, more than 80% were protected in the second surge. But among those 65 and older, protection against repeat infection was only 47%. Protection didn’t seem to fade over time.

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