The Oklahoman

Tips for gardeners to help fight climate change

- Brooke Edmunds

SALEM, Ore. – As Oregon gardeners, and the rest of the country, have noticed, our climate is changing. This is primarily due to human activities releasing excessive greenhouse gases into the atmosphere over the last 150 years. As a result, we’re seeing temperatur­es increasing, periods of drought expanding, and we are experienci­ng more severe weather events than ever before. These changes have serious effects on our entire lives including our gardens.

Along with modifying what you plant in your garden as a reaction to these changing weather patterns, there are steps you can take to help slow the pace of climate change. Below are a few practical ideas to learn more, get involved, and take action right in your own garden.

Do more with less

Need a garden tool for an occasional task? Here are a few ideas to avoid buying one-time-use equipment:

Check secondhand home improvemen­t and thrift stores before buying new. Ask your local library to start a “Library of Things” and include garden tools. Or consider starting your own neighborho­od tool lending library. Also, look online and join your local sharing community (the Buy Nothing and Freecycle networks are a few examples).

Reduce the amount of single-use plastics that you use in the garden

If you purchase transplant­s, look for seedlings grown in biodegrada­ble containers rather than plastic. If you start your own seeds, reuse plastic pots and seedling trays from last year rather than buying new or try making your own pots from newspaper. (Make sure to clean recycled plastic pots well to remove clinging soil and start with fresh containers if disease was present to avoid spreading.) Disposable plastic greenhouse sheeting (used for season extension or hoop house coverings) usually has a life span of 3-5 years before needing to be replaced. Switch out for a long-lasting material like recycled windows or polycarbon­ate panels. Check with your local nursery to see if they recycle plastic pots. Some nurseries offer incentives for returning plastic pots.

Recycle your food waste into compost

Keep kitchen scraps and yard trimmings out of landfills with composting. No yard for a large compost pile? No problem! Look into starting a composting worm bin or check with your trash service to see if kitchen scraps can be included in your yard waste bin.

When you do buy, make choices with less impact on the environmen­t

When it’s time to replace motorized garden equipment choose electric over gas engines.

Mowers, string trimmers, leaf blowers, chainsaws, and hedge trimmers are readily available in electric versions. You’ll get the same power without the emissions.

Eat locally grown foods

The fewer miles that food has to travel to your plate, the fewer emissions are produced. Growing your own fruits, vegetables, and herbs to supplement your diet is great. Also, visit local farmers markets, farm stands, or look for “locally grown” signs in the grocery store.

Plant and design with the environmen­t in mind

Reduce your use of peat and peatbased soil mixes. Read labels and skip those that contain peat. Peat is a nonrenewab­le resource and the process of harvesting peat releases large amounts carbon into the atmosphere. Instead, look for mixes containing coconut coir, compost, or other water-holding materials as an alternativ­e.

Plant more trees

Trees help remove carbon from the atmosphere and a well-placed tree can reduce the need for air-conditioni­ng. Plant trees to the west of your home to block the hot afternoon sun. Also, shading your air-conditioni­ng unit helps it work more efficiently and saves on electricit­y. Check with your city government or community tree planting groups for sources of low-cost trees.

Choose drought-tolerant landscape plants

If you’re in an area of the country dealing with drought issues, carefully research before purchasing and look for trees, shrubs, ornamental­s, and groundcove­rs that require less water and are more tolerant to heat.

Increase water conservati­on in the landscape by capturing roof runoff and rainwater and recycling to water landscape plants. Capture water using rain garden designs and with plant placement. Use permeable pavers to reduce the “heat island” effect often found with impervious surfaces. Pavers also allow the water to drain through the soil and sand below, helping to remove pollutants before refilling local aquifers.

Climate change is a big issue, but if we come together as a community, we can start to see change.

 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? About 30% of what we toss can be composted instead of ending up in landfills. When composted, food scraps and yard waste enriches the soil and reduces the need for chemical fertilizer­s.
GETTY IMAGES About 30% of what we toss can be composted instead of ending up in landfills. When composted, food scraps and yard waste enriches the soil and reduces the need for chemical fertilizer­s.

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