The Oklahoman

Israel’s ultra-Orthodox protest women’s prayer at holy site

- Shlomo Mor

JERUSALEM – Thousands of ultraOrtho­dox Jews gathered at the Western Wall in Jerusalem to protest against a Jewish women’s group that holds monthly prayers there in a long-running campaign for gender equality at the site.

For decades the “Women of the Wall” group has campaigned for equality of worship at the wall, one of Judaism’s holiest sites. Israel’s religious institutio­ns are dominated by the ultra-Orthodox, who are opposed to any changes at the site, where men and women pray in separate areas.

The dispute has sharpened since the swearing-in of a new government in June pushed Israel’s ultra-Orthodox parties into the opposition. A newly elected lawmaker who is also a Reform rabbi has used his parliament­ary immunity to bring Torah scrolls into the women’s section in defiance of rules enforced by the ultra-Orthodox administra­tors of the site.

Police set up metal barricades and deployed in large numbers to hold back the mostly male protesters, who blew whistles and occasional­ly surged forward only to be pushed back. The women carried empty mantles used to cloak Torah scrolls to protest the prohibitio­n on bringing the scrolls into the women’s section.

Anat Hoffman, the founder of the group, said they are “fighting for equality and religious pluralism and justice.”

“We cannot read from the Torah in the women’s section in 2021,” she said. “Why not? Why the hell not?”

Itamar Ben Gvir, a far-right member of parliament who often makes provocativ­e appearance­s at Jerusalem protests, approached the barricades with his entourage and argued with one of the women shouting, “don’t harm the Western Wall.” He left minutes later, as supporters of the women replied, “Ben Gvir go home!”

The protests were called for by ultra-Orthodox leaders, including Aryeh Deri, head of the Shas party. In a tweet on Friday that was shared by former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Deri called on his supporters to come out “so that heaven forbid this holy place is not desecrated.”

Gilad Kariv, a Reform rabbi and newly elected parliament member from the center-left Labor party, had planned to bring a Torah scroll into the site for the women to use but called off his visit at the request of Israeli President Isaac Herzog, who sought to prevent conflict at the site.

 ?? MAYA ALLERUZZO/AP ?? A member of the “Women of the Wall” clutches a Torah scroll as she is surrounded by Israeli security forces holding back protesters Friday at the Western Wall in Jerusalem.
MAYA ALLERUZZO/AP A member of the “Women of the Wall” clutches a Torah scroll as she is surrounded by Israeli security forces holding back protesters Friday at the Western Wall in Jerusalem.

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