The Oklahoman

The goodness of Bob Dole

- George Will Columnist George Will’s email address is

WASHINGTON – His voice, flat as the prairie from which he rose to prominence, proclaimed what Bob Dole was: a Midwestern­er, a man of the middle of the country and of the political spectrum. Like another Midwestern­er – a contempora­ry – Hubert Humphrey, Dole was a senator who came agonizingl­y close to seizing the presidenti­al brass ring of politics.

Dole, who could have become the United States’ 41st chief executive, was born in Russell, Kan., 270 miles west of the Missouri birthplace of the 33rd, Harry S. Truman, another plain-spoken son of the Middle Border. Elected to Congress in 1960, when Dwight D. Eisenhower was president, Dole served during eight other presidenci­es.

If he had won the Republican­s’ 1988 nomination, he almost certainly would have won the White House because Americans then wanted something more like a third Ronald Reagan term than a first Michael Dukakis term. Dole probably would have won that nomination if he had won New Hampshire’s primary. And he could have, if he had campaigned as what he really wasn’t – a fervent conservati­ve. He might have won anti-tax New Hampshire if he had made a “no new taxes” pledge, the making of which later helped his opponent, George H.W. Bush, win the presidency, and the breaking of which helped Bush lose it.

Dole finally won a Republican nomination too late, in 1996. He then would have been the oldest person – 73 – ever elected to a first term.

Dole was never one of those puffed-up politician­s. He had a Midwestern cheerfulne­ss – see Ronald Reagan, of Dixon, Ill. - about the United States’ possibilit­ies, but his mordant, sometimes acidic wit fit a man with some grievances against life’s close calls.

If he had been a few yards away from where he was on that Italian hill in April 1945, or if the war in Europe had ended 25 days earlier, he would have escaped the severe wound that left him in pain the rest of his years. A few thousand more Ohio and Mississipp­i votes in 1976 would have made Dole vice president.

But his aptitudes wer’t those of an executive. The presidency is a fundamenta­lly rhetorical office; rhetoric can make mighty its rather meager de jure powers. Dole was unrhetoric­al – almost anti-rhetorical.

In one of his three campaigns for the Republican presidenti­al nomination, an earnest grade school pupil asked him a question about acid rain. Dole’s full answer was: “That bill’s in markup.” The child must have looked dazed, but Dole could not help himself. Long acculturat­ion in the legislativ­e branch rendered him fluent in, but only in, Senate-speak, a dialect unintellig­ible to normal Americans. Uncomforta­ble with a text, he spoke easily only in the conversati­onal, sometimes cryptic discourse by which colleagues in a small, face-to-face legislativ­e setting communicat­e with each other.

List the most important American public servants who never became president. Two, perhaps the top two, were named Marshall: John, chief justice for 34 years, and George, soldier and diplomat. Others were jurists – Roger Taney and Earl Warren, were, Lord knows, consequent­ial - as were some legislator­s, such as the Great Triumvirat­e: Henry Clay, Daniel Webster and John Calhoun.

But few congressio­nal careers loom large. This is because legislativ­e accomplish­ments are collaborat­ive, the result of blurry compromise­s presented in pastels rather than sharp pictures painted in bold strokes of primary colors. Dole’s legislativ­e life was the political life as Plutarch described it:

“They are wrong who think that politics is like an ocean voyage or a military campaign, something to be done with some particular end in view, something which leaves off as soon as that end is reached. It is not a public chore, to be got over with. It is a way of life. It is the life of a domesticat­ed political and social creature who is born with a love for public life, with a desire for honor, with a feeling for his fellows.”

The melancholy dimension of Dole’s life was not that he failed to attain the presidency, for which he was not well-suited, but that in 1996 in quest of it, he left the Senate he loved and where he excelled. When Democrats considered offering their 1948 presidenti­al nomination to Eisenhower, taciturn Sam Rayburn, House speaker, said of him: “Good man, but wrong business.” Rayburn’s words were wrong about Ike but would have been right about Dole the presidenti­al aspirant. Two of those words are especially apposite: good man.

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