The Oklahoman

SKorea disputes North’s claim of hypersonic missile

- Hyung-Jin Kim

SEOUL, South Korea – South Korea dismissed North Korea’s claim to have recently launched a hypersonic missile as an exaggerati­on on Friday, saying it was a normal ballistic missile that could be intercepte­d.

That assessment is certain to anger North Korea. South Korea has previously avoided publicly disputing North Korea’s weapons tests, apparently so as not to aggravate relations.

South Korea’s Defense Ministry said it believes North Korea hasn’t acquired the technologi­es needed to launch a hypersonic weapon.

It said in a report that what North Korea fired on Wednesday was a type of ballistic missile that was displayed in October during a weapons exhibition in Pyongyang, its capital. It said South Korean and U.S. forces could shoot it down.

The ministry said North Korea’s claim that the weapon flew 435 miles and maneuvered laterally appeared to be an exaggerati­on. Ministry officials said the claim was likely aimed at a domestic audience to boost public confidence in its missile program.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has been calling for greater unity and improved weapons developmen­t in the face of pandemic-related difficulties. He has refused to return to disarmamen­t talks with Washington and Seoul while maintainin­g tough anti-virus restrictio­ns.

Wednesday’s launch was North Korea’s second claimed hypersonic missile test. Its state media said the missile made a 75-mile lateral movement before precisely hitting a target 700 kilometers away, and that the test confirmed the weapon’s flight control and stability.

Hypersonic weapons, which fly at speeds in excess of Mach 5, or five times the speed of sound, could pose a crucial challenge to missile defense systems because of their speed and maneuverab­ility. The weapon was on a wish-list of sophistica­ted military assets that Kim unveiled early last year along with multi-warhead missiles, spy satellites, solid-fueled long-range missiles and underwater-launched nuclear missiles.

The South Korean Defense Ministry report said Wednesday’s launch didn’t show evidence of any technologi­cal progress since the September test. South Korea’s military earlier said the missile tested in September was at an early stage of developmen­t and that the country would need considerab­le time to deploy it operationa­lly.

The ministry said South Korean missiles are superior to North Korea’s in terms of the destructiv­e power of their warheads and precision guidance.

Photos show that the upper parts of the missiles launched in September and this week have different shapes. That suggests that North Korea might have tested two versions of warheads for a missile still under developmen­t or is actually developing two different types of missiles, according to Lee Choon Geun, honorary research fellow at South Korea’s Science and Technology Policy Institute.

South Korea’s current liberal government has been pushing hard to improve ties with North Korea.

 ?? AGENCY/KOREA NEWS SERVICE VIA AP, FILE ?? This photo provided by the North Korean government shows what it says is a test launch of a hypersonic missile on Wednesday. South Korea’s Defense Ministry said it believes the North hasn’t acquired the technologi­es needed to launch a hypersonic weapon. KOREAN CENTRAL NEWS
AGENCY/KOREA NEWS SERVICE VIA AP, FILE This photo provided by the North Korean government shows what it says is a test launch of a hypersonic missile on Wednesday. South Korea’s Defense Ministry said it believes the North hasn’t acquired the technologi­es needed to launch a hypersonic weapon. KOREAN CENTRAL NEWS

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