The Oklahoman

Is ‘stagflation’ returning in 2022?

Some blame high costs on government policies

- Joel Griffith

During the late 1970s, American families experience­d stagflation – a combinatio­n of economic stagnation and significantly higher inflation. By the summer of 1980, unemployme­nt hit 7.8% and the economy was actually shrinking. On the year, inflation spiked 12.3%.

Some fear that today’s slowing economic growth (2.3% annualized last quarter) and the steepest price hikes in 40 years portend a return to stagflation.

Real weekly earnings have plummeted more than 6% since the middle of last year and the cost of living eclipsed wage increases. Dramatic price hikes in housing, rent, vehicles, gasoline and some food staples have fueled the feeling that something in our economy is amiss.

Government mandates, regulation­s, spending and borrowing are largely to blame for this painful increase in the cost of living. These government­al actions suppressed the supply of goods and services while spurring demand.

Social distancing, quarantine­s and shutdowns diminished the ability to produce goods, provide services, travel and deliver merchandis­e. School and child care closures made it impossible for many parents to work. Meanwhile, the eliminatio­n of work requiremen­ts for some welfare programs, generous unemployme­nt benefits, and rounds of stimulus checks disincenti­vized work.

Although jobs are in ample supply (openings remain near an all-time high of 10.5 million), 4 million fewer people are working compared to just 2 years ago. Many have dropped out of the labor force altogether. The proportion of the working-age population working or actively seeking employment is now under 62% – the lowest it’s been since the 1970s, when women were entering the workforce en masse.

To fill open positions, employers are offering higher wages. These rising wages reflect a government-created shortage of willing workers rather than an increase in worker productivi­ty. Indeed, productivi­ty plunged more steeply in the last quarter than at any time since 1947.

This disconnect of wages from productivi­ty squeezes the bottom lines of businesses while still being insufficient to keep pace with inflation. Businesses are forced to pass these rising costs on to customers even as the customers endure subpar service stemming from unfilled positions.

It’s not just labor that’s in short supply. Shortages in manufactur­ed goods – including household appliances, vehicles, and television­s – stem largely from a shortage of microchips needed for numerous steps in the manufactur­ing process. Government COVID-19 policies caused unpredicta­ble, often abrupt changes to supply and demand. This created a domino effect in the manufactur­ing process.

Of course, this is just a part of the supply chain problem. Environmen­tal and labor policies in the state of California are largely to blame for shipping backlogs within the U.S. COVID-19 policies such as social distancing requiremen­ts, vaccine mandates, and testing regimens contribute to the empty shelves, as do the rolling lockdowns at internatio­nal ports and factories. Many of these government edicts provide little health benefit at enormous societal cost.

Even as government policies suppressed supply, government­s stimulated demand for goods and services by printing and distributi­ng massive amounts of borrowed money. Throughout the pandemic, the Federal Reserve purchased more than $3.2 trillion of federal debt. Our central bank also nearly doubled its stake in mortgage backed securities (MBSs), purchasing more than $1.2 trillion and pumping up housing costs in the process.

As the central bank purchased these and other assets from investors, investors funneled those newly minted dollars into other assets. This gusher of cash helped push overall stock market capitaliza­tion 45% above pre-pandemic levels, even though economic output barely budged (up just 1.4%).

Asset price inflation has allowed large investors to exit the crisis far better off than before, but non- and smallinves­tor families are finding it harder to make ends meet as prices rise. At their last meeting, Federal Reserve board members appeared to recognize that their actions are partly to blame for this inflation. They suggested the Fed may need to reduce the size of its balance sheet: in other words, soak up some of the many dollars printed during the prior two years.

President Joe Biden claims his “Build Back Better” package will “transform the economy.” In reality, it represents an embrace of radical, socialist policies that will exacerbate increases in prices, labor shortages and supply chain disruption­s Americans are facing.

Make no mistake, the enormous expansions of government spending being proposed would cost families dearly. Americans will pay either through direct taxation, higher borrowing costs (as the government competes with businesses for available capital), or the hidden tax of inflation as the central bank purchases government debt. And inflation can be the most destructiv­e and painful tax of all.

The proportion of the working-age population working or actively seeking employment is now under 62% – the lowest it’s been since the 1970s, when women were entering the workforce en masse.

 ?? MARIO TAMA/GETTY IMAGES/TNS ?? Non- and small-investor families are finding it harder to make ends meet as prices rise.
MARIO TAMA/GETTY IMAGES/TNS Non- and small-investor families are finding it harder to make ends meet as prices rise.

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