The Oklahoman

Senate panel deadlocks on Jackson nomination

- Mary Clare Jalonick and Kevin Freking

WASHINGTON – The Senate Judiciary Committee deadlocked, 11-11, Monday on whether to send Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Supreme Court nomination to the Senate floor. But President Joe Biden’s nominee is still on track to be confirmed this week as the first Black woman on the high court.

The committee’s tie vote was expected, as there is an even party split on the panel and all of the Republican­s are opposing Jackson’s nomination to replace retiring Justice Stephen Breyer. But it was still a blow to Democrats who had hoped for robust bipartisan support – and it was the first time the committee has deadlocked on a Supreme Court nomination in three decades.

In order to move forward, Democrats planned a new vote to “discharge” Jackson’s nomination from committee Monday evening and then take a series of procedural steps in the coming days to wind it through the 50-50 Senate. With the support of at least one Republican, Maine Sen. Susan Collins, Jackson is on a glide path toward confirmation by the end of the week.

“Judge Jackson will bring extraordin­ary qualifications, deep experience and intellect, and a rigorous judicial record to the Supreme Court,” Biden tweeted Monday. “She deserves to be confirmed as the next justice.”

After more than 30 hours of hearings and interrogat­ion from Republican­s over her record, Jackson is on the brink of making history as the third Black justice and only the sixth woman in the court’s more than 200-year history. Democrats cite her deep experience in her nine years on the federal bench and the chance for her to become the first former public defender on the court.

The chairman of the Judiciary Committee, Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., said at Monday’s meeting that Jackson has “the highest level of skill, integrity, civility and grace.”

“This committee’s action today in nothing less than making history,” Durbin said. “I’m honored to be a part of it. I will strongly and proudly support Judge Jackson’s nomination.”

The committee’s top Republican, Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, said he was opposing Jackson’s nomination because “she and I have fundamenta­l, different views on the role of judges and the role that they should play in our system of government.”

So far, Democrats know they will have at least one GOP vote in the full Senate – Collins, who announced last week that she would support the nominee. Collins said that though they may not always agree, Jackson “possesses the experience, qualifications and integrity to serve as an associate justice on the Supreme Court.”

Collins and Sens. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina were the only three to vote for Jackson when the Senate confirmed her as an appeals court judge last year. Graham has said he won’t support her this time; Murkowski hadn’t decided.

Collins’ support likely saves the Democrats from having to use Vice President Kamala Harris’ tie-breaking vote to confirm Biden’s pick.

It is expected that all 50 Democrats will support Jackson, though one notable moderate Democrat, Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, hasn’t yet said how she will vote.

 ?? J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE/AP FILE ?? Ketanji Brown Jackson is on the brink of becoming the third Black justice and sixth woman in the high court’s history.
J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE/AP FILE Ketanji Brown Jackson is on the brink of becoming the third Black justice and sixth woman in the high court’s history.

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