The Oneida Daily Dispatch (Oneida, NY)

Parties nowhere near economic agreement


WASHINGTON ( AP) — Millions of Americans are desperate for work, runaway government spending clouds the future and Democratic and Republican candidates are busy making one thing clear: They're light years apart on what to do about it.

They do agree that in this election, the economy is everything. President Barack Obama calls it " the defining issue of our time." But for voters wishing Washington would come together in a time of crisis, Obama, his Republican rival Mitt Romney and their congressio­nal allies don't offer much hope

Instead, they've taken to describing the gulf on economic policy in galactic terms. Romney must be " on a different planet," an Obama adviser declares. The president is " living in an alternativ­e universe," the Republican Party chief says.

On planet Republican: The economy is backslidin­g, and the president is to blame. His stimulus spending did more harm than good, and his big- government rules are strangling businesses. The answer is repealing health care, energy and financial regulation­s and cutting taxes. That should spark investment and create jobs. Tackling the deficit requires huge spending cuts, just not at the Pentagon. The unsustaina­ble guarantee of Medicare and Medicaid must change.

In the Democratic universe: The economy's slowly improving, thanks to government spending that helped fend off a depression. Another dose of targeted spending will help. Republican policies in the Bush administra­tion — cutting taxes and eliminatin­g rules — brought on the financial crisis and budget deficits. The rich should help dig us out by paying higher taxes. The Pentagon's budget must be cut, but entitlemen­t spending can be controlled without drasticall­y altering the social safety net.

" These two positions are almost diametrica­lly opposed to each other," said Sung Won Sohn, a California State University economics professor. " And there's no common ground it seems."

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