The Oneida Daily Dispatch (Oneida, NY)

Sandusky defense calls six witnesses


BELLEFONTE, Pa. ( AP) — Jerry Sandusky opened his defense in his molestatio­n trial Monday with character witnesses who defended his reputation, including a former Penn State coach who said he knew Sandusky took boys into showers but never saw him do anything wrong.

The six witnesses, one who called Sandusky a " local hero," did little to directly counter the testimony last week by eight young men who accused the former Penn State assistant football coach of sexually abusing them when they were children.

Judge John Cleland told jurors Sandusky's defense has about a day and a half left of testimony and that they could begin deliberati­ons on the case as early as Thursday, a quicker schedule than had been expected.

Sandusky looked an Associated Press reporter in the eye and said nothing when asked if he planned to testify. Other possible defense witnesses to come include his wife, Dottie; and an expert who could discuss whether Sandusky has " histrionic personalit­y disorder," which experts have called a personalit­y disorder characteri­zed by inappropri­ate sexual behavior and erratic emotions.

The list of potential witnesses also includes a physician who spoke with key prosecutio­n witness Mike McQueary the night he said he saw Sandusky attack a child in a football team shower in 2001 and members of former football coach Joe Paterno's family, although it was unclear how they might fit into the defense case or whether they will be called.

Sandusky's arrest led the university trustees to fire Paterno as coach in November, saying his response to the 2001 report from McQueary showed a lack of leadership. Paterno died of cancer in January.

Dick Anderson, a longtime Penn State assistant and Sandusky friend who retired in January, testified that he and other members of the football staff were present when Sandusky brought young boys into the team's showers.

He said he never witnessed anything inappropri­ate.

" If Jerry would bring someone in with The Second Mile, they had been working out, for whatever reason they came in, it was not uncommon ... with the other coaches in the shower as well," Anderson said,

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