The Oneida Daily Dispatch (Oneida, NY)

A reader’s note on July 4 column: Where are the women?

- Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please email your questions to anniesmail­box@, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 737 3rd Street, Hermosa Beach, Cali

DEAR ANNIE>> I appreciate the patriotic intent of your July 4 column, but what would my daughter and seven nieces make of the mention of 27 men but just two women? The author overlooked Sacagawea, Harriet Tubman, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the myriad other female contributo­rs to our nation’s progress.

Maybe next year you could share someone’s writing that does a better job of recognizin­g the meaningful roles many courageous and capable women have played and continue to play in shaping our nation. All credit to Ginger Rogers’ high heels, but Sacagawea did everything Lewis and Clark did, but she did it postpartum and carrying a newborn on her back.

If no one has written anything more balanced since Mr. Whitaker’s piece appeared in 1955, consider the gauntlet tossed.

— A Loyal Reader

DEAR LOYAL READER>> We agree that an updated version is long overdue. Several readers suggested a writing contest and we love this idea.

So readers, put your creative caps on and send us a poem or essay that expresses the contributi­ons both men and women of all races and religions have made to our country’s history. You have plenty of time to work on it.

This also might be a good project for teachers to give their students.

Send your wonderful and brilliant efforts to Annie’s Mailbox at or Face- We will accept entries starting today, and the deadline will be March 1, 2016. If we receive several good ones, we will print as many as we can. And we will print the best one on July 4 of next year, along with your name.

DEAR ANNIE>> Do you think a judge should express his sorrow in person or through the attorney of a client?

I was in court for a hearing regarding my grandchild­ren when the judge began reading the case. As I listened, I realized that he wasn’t reading the correct case and blurted out, “wrong case.”

The judge then realized his mistake and stopped. He finished with the case he was already reading, but because it was graphic and about abuse, the young children were asked to leave the courtroom. We marched out.

Later, our attorney met with the judge and the other attorney, at which time the judge had the secretary from the law office relay that he was sorry for what happened. I don’t think that is sufficient. What is the proper way for a judge to express sorrow for making this kind of mistake?

— Grandma

DEAR GRANDMA>> Your anger is understand­able, but misplaced. Judges are not obligated to express sorrow for misreading a case, either directly or indirectly. The fact that this particular judge chose to do so, even through the secretary from the law office, showed that he was sensitive to your grandchild­ren’s potential reaction. While it’s unfortunat­e that he didn’t notice the graphic nature of the case file sooner, it was unintentio­nal and could easily have been the error of a clerk. Please let this go.

DEAR ANNIE>> I’d like to second the recommenda­tion from “Papillion, Neb.,” about getting the shingles vaccine. I contacted shingles four years ago on one side of my face and up into my hair. The nerves on my face are totally damaged, I have pain and itch every day.

Anyone who has not had the shingles shot, please get it, even if your insurance doesn’t cover the cost. I hesitated, thinking it would not happen to me. I was wrong. I have since gotten the shot because my doctor says if I get shingles again (it can happen), it won’t be as bad. It is the most horrible pain I ever experience­d.

— Greensburg, Penn.

DEAR GREENSBURG>> Thanks for the backup. According to the CDC, anyone older than 60 should speak to their doctor about the shingles vaccine, which is effective for six years.

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