The Oneida Daily Dispatch (Oneida, NY)

Save our country; vote for Trump


Now that the truth has finally made it out of the Democrat convention and the shameful lies told to everyone, everywhere and incessantl­y, about the family that lost an American serviceman to the WAR going on overseas, it turns out some facts were not vetted or published based on the hardto-find news about the expose. Typical DNC screw-up.

The tremendous­ly self-important and arrogant lawyer, who flaunted his knowledge and devotion to the US Constituti­on, turns out to be a Muslim immigrant from Pakistan with who has written many articles on Sharia law and is even considered to be an expert.

Where does he get off challengin­g a native-born candidate for president to study OUR Constituti­on, not Pakistan’s? Could it be that he earns his living promoting immigratio­n to the USA?

He also totally ignores the fact that his son sadly was killed fighting Muslims. How ironic that the son died in a war supported by the very candidate that dad adores so much that he will stand up for her.

The Democrats will stoop as far as possible to discredit Mr. Trump who never caused the death of any American service member or American Department of State ambassador. There is quite a glaring discrepanc­y on who possesses the “dark soul”. Liars will always be liars.

I notice that the media are starting to look for scabs to pick on Mr. Trump concerning his past personal affairs many years ago.

As far as I know, Mr. Trump never seduced a young intern in MY White House as Bubba did and never bedded a famous, glamorous movie queen while serving as president as JFK did. But they are Dems and are excused for preying on women.

Does anyone begin to understand why there is a opposition to allowing more immigrants from certain countries?

By the way, my limited studies taught me that Islam is a religion, NOT a race. Therefore opposition is not caused by racists but by survivalis­ts.

Vote as though your life depends on it because it obviously does. The lesser of 2 evils is still evil

J. Ronald Stratton, Oneida

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