The Oneida Daily Dispatch (Oneida, NY)

Save our country; don’t vote for Trump


Donald Trump once claimed that he had the best words. Odd, not a good vocabulary, but the “best words,” almost as if he had them packed away in a box somewhere and could trot them out whenever he pleased.

But now I wonder if he even knows the meaning of some rather simple words like “sacri-. fice” or “temperamen­t.” Creating jobs is not a sacrifice. Workers make money or provide service for employers. Parents who must live the rest of their lives without beloved children have made a real sacrifice for all of us, including Trump.

Winning primary contests is not proof of a good temperamen­t when you call your opponents childish and insulting nicknames. It is proof of the opposite. Politician­s who can work well with others prove they have good temperamen­ts. In debates, such people are civil.

And then there’s “vicious.” An attack from a grieving parent reciting facts may strike Trump’s ears as vicious because he considers himself the measure of all things.

Working hard (in his view) while a good trait is what most people must do and usually for far less reward or praise than he feels is his due, and is not the proof of whatever trait he wants to discuss.

I did not vote for John McCain or Mitt Romney as I felt they were both extremely wealthy men with a view of government that I did not share. But not for a moment did I question that they were both gentlemen and totally compos mentis.

Donald Trump is neither. And I would hope that if voters

.— dislike Hillary Clinton that they simply stay home. Please, please do not inflict the most vulgar and uninformed candidate in the history of our country on our country.

— Sandy Miley, Sherrill

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