The Oneida Daily Dispatch (Oneida, NY)

When life closes a door, God opens a window

- Catherine Galasso-Vigorito

Some time ago, I heard a story about the Scottish essayist, historian and philosophe­r, Thomas Carlyle. He had finished a massive undertakin­g; a manuscript on the French Revolution. When he completed the manuscript, Carlyle sent it to his friend, John Stuart Mill.

But days later, Mill’s maid mistook the manuscript for trash and burned it. Years of labor lost. Extremely disappoint­ed, it was so unfair. In a spirit of despair and distraught, he felt that all hope for the future was gone. And with a great sigh, Carlyle wondered, “How can I ever muster the energy to write again?” Carlyle must have had to fight those negative thoughts. For it would have been easy for him to give up on his writing aspiration­s.

It was purported that thereafter, as Carlyle was walking down the street, he saw a stone mason faithfully building a long, high wall. He stood watching the mason build the wall one brick at a time. The mason stacked the wall one at a time. Filled with inspiratio­n from watching the mason, Carlyle stepped out in pure faith and resolved to just write one page a day… and another page the next day

He then rewrote the entire manuscript from memory, achieving what he described as a book that came “direct and flamingly from the heart.” Carlyle’s dream came together. And the end result was better than the first time.

Have you been bombarded with challenges? Are you being tried and tested? Perhaps, you have received discouragi­ng news. Or, you’ve been struggling with a circumstan­ce for a long time. And you can’t see a way out.

Regardless of how dishearten­ing things look, don’t give up. All is not lost. Look away from your circumstan­ces and look up to God. No matter how small or large your needs may be, no matter what you have been through in the past, don’t get discourage­d, God is there for you. For He is saying to you today, “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?” (Jeremiah 32:27).

So, like Carlyle, resolve to take one step ahead. God is working in your behalf to turn around adverse conditions for your good. Just as a hot chocolate mix transforms plain water into a new and different entity, God can transform your future and bless you beyond what you can imagine. Thus, pray in faith. Release the weight of your worries and burdens onto Him. You have God on your side. For there is nothing that you are facing that God cannot change for the better. God’s specialty is doing the impossible. Remember, if God stopped the sun for Joshua, He can provide the miracle you need. “The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day.” (Joshua 10:13). For at the perfect time, the desires of your heart will be brought to fruition.

• Have you suffered a setback? Persevere. Try again. Change your approach from doubt to faith, and positive things can begin to happen. Unexpected­ly, you could be offered an amazing opportunit­y. As God is “able to do above all that we can ask or even think.” (Ephesians 3:20).

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