The Oneida Daily Dispatch (Oneida, NY)

Cuomo, others weigh in on lack of health care vote

- By KyleHughes

ALBANY, N.Y. >> The failure of the push to repeal and replace Obamacare was cheered Friday by Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who rolled out doomsday scenarios all week about the chaos that would have resulted if the GOP succeeded in overturnin­g the healthcare-for-all law.

Cuomo showed no inclinatio­n to dial back the rhetoric after plans for a vote on the bill were scrapped, calling the deliberati­ons “a disgusting display of government at its worst.”

“We saw members of Congress openly bribe one-another at the expense of their own constit-

uents, racing each other to decimateNe­w York’s healthcare system while attempting to ram through a piece of legislatio­n that would jeopardize the healthcare of 24 million people and supported by only 17 percent of Americans,” Cuomo said.

Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul accused her nemesis Rep. Chris Collins of bribery. Collins, an Erie County Republican, ended her oneterm career in Congress in 2012, and drew the ire of Cuomo for proposing a state takeover of Medicaid costs now paid by the counties.

“Collins bribed New York Republican Congress members with the county bait and switch, selling the illusion of county tax relief at the cost of an explosion of state taxes or the bankruptcy of their hospitals and senior care,” she said Friday. “Collins tried to play New Yorkers for fools, and whilewe knowhe is a financial fraudster, his latest insider trading scheme backfired and didn’t outsmart the people of this state.”

U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand also weighed in, say- ing the repeal bill “would have brought us back to the days when insurance companies could refuse to cover maternity care, and would have made health care much more expensive for families and seniors – all while giving huge tax breaks to insurance companies and drug companies. We should continue to work to improve our health care system, but this was a bad bill, and I’m glad it was stopped.”

House Republican­s and President Trump said Friday the failure to round up enough votes to get rid of Obamacare means the sta- tus quo will prevail for the foreseeabl­e future. That’s good news for New York government leaders who have embraced the law even as insurers have warned it is financiall­y unsustaina­ble.

It’s also positive for the time being for New Yorkers who have obtained health insurance through the program, either as a result of Medicaid public assistance or purchasing coverage through the state run insurance marketplac­e.

The bill’s failure removes a cloud over the upcoming 2017-18 state budget due to be passed by April 1. Some feared the budget adoption could be delayed, but that seems less likely now that the status quo is preserved for the state’s healthcare system. The debate threw some rare light on New York’s costly Medicaid program, which spends more than $1 billion a week on care for the poor and aged. Cuomo has made controllin­g the growth of Medicaid costs a priority since taking office. New York spends $59.6 billion a year on the federal Medicaid program, second only to California, which has twice New York’s population and spends $90.6 billion.

Collins proposed reliev- ing the counties of have to pay for a share of the program, a move that would likely prompt county property tax reductions. County executive fromboth parties have called for years for a state takeover, a plan also embraced by Cuomo’s father, former Gov. Mario Cuomo.

But Andrew Cuomo portrayed a state takeover this week as a financial debacle, saying it would result in hospital closings and healthcare cutbacks because of the $2.3 billion cost. Cuomo said a state income tax increase would be the only way to cover it.

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