The Oneida Daily Dispatch (Oneida, NY)

A NEW YOU God will never let you down

- Catherine GalassoVig­orito

The warm air was still cooler than the sand beneath my feet as I walked along the beach early one afternoon. From where I was, God’s sunshine was bright. I took a few more steps. And as I looked down at the sand, my thoughts visited how a pearl is formed.

When a grain of sand or small object gets into an oyster’s shell, it begins to secrete soothing liquid called nacre that covers that speck of sand or object. The nacre builds up in layers. It surrounds that irritation and, eventually, forms a glowing, glorious pearl.

After a short pause, it suddenly hit me. “There are times in life when we can’t see what God is doing or where God is taking us. Just as the grain of sand or object doesn’t realize, at that moment, that it will be transforme­d into a precious, one-of-a kind gem,” I pondered.

So, if situations don’t transpire in the direction that we assume they should, we can either become frustrated, bitter and resentful. Or, by the applicatio­n of patience, perseveran­ce, positive words and actions, we can turn that irritation, like the grain of sand or small object, into a glowing, revered pearl.

There’s a good plan in store for your future. Don’t judge your entire life on one, two, or even a series of disappoint­ments, mistakes or unfair situations. Keep going forward. Take one day at a time. Do not get your mind fixed in regret. Or get stuck in a rut. You are not alone in handling your dilemma. God is in control. Continue praying for God’s hand to move in your be- half. At the other side of the challenge, is a new level of blessings.

•Your situation that appears to be futile will soon turn into a blessing in disguise. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” (Deuteronom­y 6:5).

•That setback you faced, in fact, has prepared you for a great comeback. And all of a sudden, you will get the break for which you were waiting. “In all your ways acknowledg­e God, and He shall direct your paths.” (Proverbs 3:5-6).

•The obstacle in your path will not defeat you. Out of the blue, you will be at the right place at the precise time and receive your miracle. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in ev- ery situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgivi­ng, present your requests to God.” (Philippian­s 4:6).

•And when all seems to be lost, keep working toward your goal. God is miraculous­ly turning circumstan­ces around for your good. Before long, conditions will be positively transforme­d. “For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.” (Philippian­s 2:13).

I once heard a poem I liked: “Behind the unknown, God stands… Keeping watch on His own.” Healing is on the way. Abundance is on the way. Victory is on the way.

God will never let you down. He’s about to do something amazing in your life.

So with assurance in your heart, remain optimistic, strong and hopeful. As long as you believe, and as you stay in faith, the Bible says, “All things are possible.” Remember, that the winner of the race not always is run by the swiftest, but by those who keep on successive­ly running.

In the late 1920s, a 40-year- old mother of three sons, along with her husband lived on a farm. It was the time of the Great Depression. And the long and widespread decline of the economy had devastatin­g effects for people worldwide. Yet, besides the negative effects of the shattering economy, one of the most trying challenges this couple faced was the sickness of their youngest son, who,

because of his severe allergies and asthma, was unable to eat most processed foods.

The boy’s mother diligently fed him fruit and vegetables. Then, she took the initiative and tried baking him some all-natural, stone whole wheat bread. Using her grandmothe­r’s techniques that this mother was taught when she was a young girl, her bread recipe included old-fashioned ingredient­s. This wasn’t her original plan. And many skeptics thought it was impossible to bake nutritious bread that was also delicious. However, the mother paid no attention to the critics. Through trial and error, she carried on, not knowing where God was leading her.

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