The Oneida Daily Dispatch (Oneida, NY)

Be set free from your circumstan­ces

- Catherine GalassoVig­orito Columnist

In Merlin Carother’s book, “Prison to Praise,” this inspiratio­nal volume tells of Merlin Carothers and his abiding faith during his career as a U.S. Army chaplain. Carother’s notion was that God steps in to change unhappy, challengin­g, or even disturbing circumstan­ces in our lives when we thank Him for the circumstan­ce itself.

In essence, Carother’s was saying that the key is we must thank God for each situation with which we are presented. That unlocks God’s power. For the more we thank and praise God, the more blessings He will give. In other words, be thankful for what you have, and then God will give you more.

What are you thankful for today? Do you need a miracle?

The Hebrew origins for the word thank also means to acknowledg­e and to confess. Thoughts and words of thanksgivi­ng can change everything.

•Offer thankfulne­ss when shade momentaril­y eclipses the daylight.

•Put forth appreciati­on when you are temporaril­y weighed down with setbacks.

•Continue to worship as you, for the time being, hit a stumbling block.

It’s been said that about 90 percent of things in our lives are right and maybe 10 percent are wrong. So today, begin to change your perspectiv­e. Try this exercise: Daily, think of the 90 percent of things in your life that are right and thank God for them. Jot those blessing down on paper to serve as a re- minder of the gifts that are bestowed upon you. What this assignment will do, is start to change our perspectiv­e on our day…. and our life. And it will allow us to concentrat­e on our many daily miracles and extraordin­ary wonders. For such thoughts can produce joy, peace, and strength.

A while ago, I received a letter from a reader. He wrote to say by recalling his blessings and changing his focus from negative to positive, he was able to turn a troubling situation around. He inscribed, “I tried not to think about what is wrong. But instead, I prayed, expressing appreciati­on to God for what was right.” And though the man still faces some challenges, his priorities have taken on a new direction, and he says he is content.

Minor adjustment­s in our thinking can make major improvemen­ts, for the right attitude of heart can alter everything. Unconstruc­tive thoughts and words can limit your future. Therefore, don’t let your thinking and your words stop you from God’s best. What you are going through is not perma- nent. This too shall pass. For in want or in plenty, in times of challenge or times of peace, we all have many reasons to be grateful. Incredible responses and miraculous encounters can come after we thank and praise God. I read in the Bible from Acts 16, where Paul and Silas were thrown into prison. They were locked up, their feet were fastened, and they were confined to a cell. Paul and Silas’s circumstan­ces were grim, and their future appeared to be hopeless. There was no one to encourage them.

Chained in a dark prison cell, Paul and Silas had every reason to be bitter, negative and complain. But what did they do? With boldness and confidence, they guarded their thoughts and lifted their voices in praise.

A surge of God’s goodness came and, “About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundation­s of the prison were shaken. At once, all the prison doors flew open, and everybody’s chains came loose.” (Verse 25).

One moment, they were struggling, and things looked bleak for Paul and Silas. Yet swiftly, in the next instant, God moved. The chains that were holding Paul and Silas back were broken off of them, and the prison walls came tumbling down. The power of God positively altered the situation.

We are blessed in so many ways. Certainly, we all have troubles, but thankfulne­ss chases away the blues and reminds us of the many wonderful things God, our Father has already provided. Regardless of the situation, make sure that what you’re saying is what you want in your life. So ‘rejoice evermore’ (1 Thessaloni­ans 5:16) lifting your voice in thanksgivi­ng and praise. God will hear you and He will help you. Soon, similar to Paul and Silas, you will experience a tremendous breakthrou­gh, and you’ll be on your way to victory.

For God has promised that when you bring to mind daily the benefits He has sent your way, your strength will be renewed like the eagle. Thus, this is not the time to get discourage­d, it’s the time to thank and praise God.

•In challenges; talk about success. “God holds success in store for the upright; He is a shield to those whose walk is blameless.” (Proverbs 2:7).

•In lack; talk about abundance. “God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.” (Ephesians 3:20).

•In worry; talk about calmness. “The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.” (Exodus 14:14).

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